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Primary Culture

-10% Infantry Cost
-15% Leader Cost

SapchoppersWith a single swing of his greataxe, our first chieftain and once clanless orc, Kragur decapitated Ceann Celadil Drennen, shattered the Drennen elf army, and secured the name "Sapchopper".\n\nToday, youngbloods eager to prove their worth follow our founder’s example. At the start of each battle, these brash warriors scour the battlefield searching for the enemy generals and captains. Upon sighting one, they charge forward attempting to strike them down and take their head, as Kragur once did. Success means earning a place in the clan as a true "Sapchopper" and the glory of watching the enemy flee in terror.
+10% Morale Damage

Worthy Foes Every DirectionIn the time we’ve been in the Deepwoods, we’ve slaughtered the elves of Drennen, broken the advance of the Brambleskinner goblin, and routed the Cenág elves. And yet, Salla Drennen fights once more. The goblins press against us again. And Salla Cenág’s raids grow ever bolder. Clearly, we’ve not broken our foes yet.\n\nGood. We need the challenge. Let them come and again taste Sapchopper steel. And should a warrior fall, then a youth shall take their weapon, eager to prove their skill.
-10% Land Attrition
+8% Reinforce Speed

Everything Not Nailed DownWhen we arrived in Escann from the depths of the Serpentspine, we were amazed by all the riches that could be plundered from even the smallest towns and villages. No longer did we have to live on scraps, as any orc under Dookanson could provide for themselves if they could swing an axe. In the Deepwoods, however, we have had to make do with less once again. There isn’t all that much to go around, so you’d better make sure you take all you can get.
+15% Available Loot

Unending WarfareSince the moment we entered the Deepwoods, we have not had a moment of rest. Unlike the Escanni, every single denizen of the woods knows how to wield a blade, and they have all been raised against us. All the better. We shall keep fighting, and we shall become more tenacious with each battle, more vigilant with each ambush, more brutal with each raid.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

Towns of Stone and WoodAs the invasion has dragged on, the orcish forces have slowly dragged to a halt. The tide of invasion has turned into raids and counter raids, and mobile war encampments have turned into palisaded settlements. Unwelcome as we may be, we live here now, and we had better act like it. There is rock and wood aplenty, and we will build our new home with them. We are here to stay.
-10% Construction Cost

Legacy of the Great InvasionThe great orcish invasion was the largest army the Deepwoods had ever seen. An amalgamation of many clans, the invasion force cut through the forest and obliterated all opposition. So successful were the early advances of the warbands that latecomers to a battle had barely any work to do in picking off the stragglers. This bred an eagerness for glory in all the clans, who were always eager to get their part of the battle before it was over.
+10% Reduced Morale Damage Taken By Reserves

Strong ChieftainsThe Greentide in Escann was shattered abruptly when Korgus was slain, the now-leaderless clans frenziedly gathering what power they could for themselves in the aftermath. This did not occur in the Deepwoods, where Korgus was always a distant figure and the clans functioned with great autonomy. By the time that news of Korgus’ death reached the forest, the unity of the clans had long since disintegrated and the chieftains warred against each other from their own autonomous domains. Though these internecine battles sapped their strength, their lack of reliance on central authority left the Deepwoods orc chiefdoms far stronger than their Escanni counterparts in the long run.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

+10% Goods Produced Modifier


