Phoenix Empire

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Phoenix Empire

Primary Culture

+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+5% Discipline

Mantle of the Conqueror"The conqueror stood at the world far edge and stared across the sunlit sea,\nAnd felt aught but crushing darkness, No thrill of victory.\nHis blood sang for conquest but the world had struck him lame,\nAnd he wept great tears of fire and in thundering voice proclaimed.\n"I have reached my zenith, the highest I shall mark,\nFor there are no more worlds to conquer, my soul is torn apart."\nHe turned to face his empire, resigned to his fate,\nJaher's time had passed, his death he did await.\nTill one takes up the mantle.\nThe Phoenix Crown awaits."\n-from the Litany of Jaher by Sarada Razumir
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+1 Yearly Prestige
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

The Order of the Light of TruthThe Sun Elves have long been styled the Chosen of Surael, destined to pave the way for his glorious return. Yet even as the Empire rose from the ashes of Jexis' reign there was a significant minority within its borders who refused to follow the true faith, not to mention those outside the Empire who still clung to dead gods. To combat this the priests of Surael formed The Order of the Light of Truth to spread the teachings of the Sun Temple to the farthest corners of the world, a task they proved apt in achieving.
+3% Missionary Strength

The Empire of Palaces and TemplesThe Phoenix Empire is one of soaring temples and palaces that reach towards the heavens, from the Palace of Eternal Fire to the Dawn temple its lands are filled with wonders undreamed, draped in marble and gold. It is not uncommon for the Elvish nobility to have sprawling estates larger than most towns as they add grander and grander edifices as the centuries wear on. With its resurgence the new Emperors undertook great projects to craft edifices to surpass anything found in the kingdoms of man and cement the glory of a new age of Elven leadership and peace.
-10% Construction Cost
-10% Development Cost

From Ashes, the Phoenix Legion risesIn years past Jaher and Jexis lead the finest armies that the world has ever seen in their conquests. Legends of endless ranks of Legionaries clad in glittering golden armour and armed with shining silver blades are told across all of Cannor. Since the fall of Jexis the proud warrior traditions of the Phoenix Legions has faded into history and no more golden warriors march across Sarhal for the glory of the Sun Elf people.\n\nNow that our great Empire has been reformed from the ashes, so too must the Legions march. For too long have those blades of legend been left to rust and dull under the weight of years. Once more the Phoenix Legions shall rise and once more the enemies of the Sun Elves shall tremble at their passing.
+10% Army Drill Gain Modifier
+20% Infantry Combat Ability

The Offices of TradeTrade is one of the most vital practices in the Empire, much of the Elves' vast wealth is drawn from eastern goods traveling along the Empire's trade routes to be sold in the western lands of Cannor. To facilitate this trade, as well as to give an edge to their own merchant class, the Imperial government set about establishing a series of way stations called The Offices of Trade throughout its vast holdings where their merchants could rest and prepare for long journeys.
+20% Caravan Power
+15% Movement Speed

The Gilded MenagerieIn the imperial capital of Bulwar, near to the Imperial Palace, lies a vast and sprawling complex of gold and lapis lazuli. Its official name is the Imperial Academy of Progress but most know it by another name The Gilded Menagerie. It is here that the future governors of the Empire are trained, many a noble house has sent its scions here in order to gain favour and position within the Imperial Bureaucracy. Its darker purpose is the training ground of the Empire's vast network of spies and assassins. It is said that in every court in Cannor, in every gathering of mages the Menagerie has a dozen sets of ears listening to every word and a dozen sharpened knives at every back.
-10% Advisor Cost
+25% Spy Network Construction

United under the Chosen PeopleThe Phoenix Empire and its Sun Elf rulers are masters over vast and diverse lands stretching from horizon to horizon. It is within this Empire more than any other that cultures meet, trade and mingle under the enlightened rule of the chosen. The Sun Elves have accepted their destiny as those who will one day lead the entire world under their glorious rule and accept all the lesser races and accept all into the fold, provided they kneel at the feet of their betters.
+15% Governing Capacity Modifier


