Aqatbahar Ideas

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-15% Province War Score Cost
+15% Recover Army Morale Speed

Humanity's ResourcefulnessThe humans of Bulwar have weathered many ordeals, from the Xhazobine's demonic domination to the Queendom's unending predation. Jaher and his successors gave us succour — but now another ordeal is upon us. That experience will undoubtedly help us survive: when the Maraš of Zagnabad died alongside Kaltan, murdered by the savage goblins, his advisor Irran szel-Bazibar rallied the survivors to put up a resistance and stop the goblins' advance at Eduz-Wez. Following his lead, other talented humans have stepped up to fill the gaps left by the largely-perished Sun Elven nobility, and the restored Kingdom of Baharkand will make good use of their skills.
-10% Advisor Cost

The Great Library of AqatbarIt is said that long ago, a man stumbled upon a lamp buried deep underneath one of Bahar's greatest trees. The genie bound within, who claimed to be a rival of Brasan the Emancipator, promised him a single wish for its freedom, and the man's was a simple one: all the knowledge in the world. His head slowly began to grow — the man made it back to his village to proclaim wild theories of ascension, balance, and the meaning of life, before his brain burst like an overripe peach. But a few years later, it is rumoured, the true consequence of his wish came to fruition: construction began on a small library in Aqatbar.\n\nThat, of course, was millennia ago. For as long as any can remember, the Great Library of Aqatbar has been one of the vastest repositories of knowledge in all Halcann, with records dating back to the Age of God-Kings. It survived the Xhazobine, shall survive marauding goblins, and shall forever nurture Baharkand's greatest minds.
-10% Technology Cost

Shipyards of BaharBahar means forest, and the towering trees which grow here are a stark contrast to the dry, flat, lands to the south. The most important impact is that dappled light through the trees is a much better setting to appreciate Surael's radiance than scorching nigh-desert — and its second most important is the lumber's suitability for shipbuilding. From the merchant fleets of Re-Uyel and Crathánor, to the sunshine galleys of Anzabad, and even Jexis's old armada (now resurrected by Elizna), every ship in Bulwar has been built in the shipyards of Bahar, or at least with wood coming from its many forests.
-10% Ship Costs

Brother EnemiesWhen Jaher arrived on Bulwar's shores, the Akal of Baharšes, Hussaam of Nisabat, was one of the first to see that he was Surael reborn and submit accordingly. This foresightedness earned him a golden spear, along with the right for him and his descendants to serve as the regional governor under the Phoenix Empire. But after the Burned Empress's death, amidst the chaos of Jexisian civil war, they made a decision as poor as that prior one had been wise: siding with Elizar, whose sole focus was on revenge against Ioriel, they were abandoned when Birzartanšes struck in a war of subjugation. As a final indignity, King Birzartan I put his brother Eletar on the throne of Baharšes, now renamed Baharkand.\n\nThey would not regain their freedom for a full generation, when they fought a brutal independence war, watering the forests and hills with blood as they used guerrilla tactics to secure their freedom. When they had finally claimed it for good, they claimed the dynasty of Eletarzuir, to make clear that Birzartanšes had no dominion in Bahar.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

A 'Baharized' RegionIn the late 15th century, Bahar had fractured in pieces. Not like Escann, where new buds rose from deep ashes; not like the Xiaken, whose divisions are the product of their martial schools. But a vast shattering, peoples and countries fragmented like never before.\n\nEven as the region slowly recovered, the idea of a shattered politics became intimately tied to Bahar in many people's minds. By the time of Núrcestir's collapse in Escann, and the Jadd Empire's unraveling amidst the Deioderan, it was common to refer to those regions as 'Baharized'.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

A Gulf of GlassThe Gulf of Glass earned its name from the reflectiveness of its calm, still, waters, where humanity first plied the waves. But it is also a great font of glass production, its product flowing to everyone from potion-makers in Anbenncóst to gnomish artificers in the Dragon Coast. In Baharkand, glass-making is something of a family tradition: using the same tools and furnace of their ancestors, a child might work the bellows, a mother adds materials for a unique colouration, a father blows the molten glass into its final form. No matter our country's trials, and no matter how the world evolves, we shall always ensure the Gulf deserves its name.
+10% Production Efficiency

The Fajabahar LightshowIn the late 17th century, a visionary queen, Imariel the Farseeing, saw an opportunity for Bahar to cut out the middlemen who would often pick up goods in Aqatbar only to resell them in the busier ports of Anzabad or Brasan. Hiring engineers from the Gnomish Hierarchy, along with some of the architects working on Anbenncóst's skyscrapers, she devised a great lighthouse to illuminate the shores of Bahar and shine like a beacon to attract ships to Aqatbar.\n\nPlaced on the northern island of Fajabahar province, Aben-Ail, it took a decade to build but would be instrumental in raising Aqatbar's status to compete with the declining metropolis of Brasan. At the beacon's center lays a massive crystal, where a fist-sized chunk of damestear rumored to have been stolen from the deposits at Adráil powers the entire edifice.
-10% Naval Attrition
+5% Trade Efficiency

-10% Development Cost