Golkhi Ideas

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+15% National Tax Modifier
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Knowledge From DesecrationWithin the capital of Golkhi lies a humble library, which contains a variety of books of many subjects. However, beneath it is a hidden chamber known to the kings and queens as the Dyrrazakh - Hoard of Knowledge - only accessible by those who are of high status in Golkhi. The labyrinth contains a myriad of books, tomes, artefacts and so on. Many of them were acquired through the plundering of ancient lizardfolk ruins throughout South Sarhal by adventurers sponsored by Golkhi’s elites or by the Golkhi army itself during times of war.\n\nBeing able to use the lost knowledge of the forefathers for modern applications offer Golkhi a significant technological edge over other tribes. Many other lizardfolk are exasperated by this supposed disrespect, but Golkhi justifies its actions by the belief that all of the previous empires died to contribute to the 333rd empire, therefore, the lizardfolk should exploit all that they have left behind.
+50% Looting Speed
-3% Technology Cost

Ashhama ThrallsAshhama raids were a constant nuisance on the realm, and while other tribes would be content with simply killing them, Golkhi takes a more resourceful approach. Ashhamas were often taken captive, locked within damp and especially dreary rooms where they were left to be driven into madness by the bloodcurse. They would have only been released during times of war, to be used as the main shock troops of Golkhi. Their accursed bloodlust and remarkable strength would be directed solely at the enemy due to their mind becoming fragile from insanity, making it easy for our mages to harness their will.
+0.15 Infantry Shock

A True MeritocracyIn lizardfolk society, nothing is more important than class mobility, meaning anyone can rise above their station through their skills. In Golkhi, one’s skill is truly put to the test, to be forged in the harsh flames of rivalry and treachery to earn their rightful place in society. Ambitious lizardfolk constantly battle each other through intrigue behind the scenes, using any cutthroat means to eliminate obstacles. Those who would survive such a ruthless environment are only the most qualified for the position, being able to safeguard it from the ambitions of their adversaries.
+2 Possible Advisors

Cold-blooded BankersGokhi is one of the main lizardfolk producers of paper. Unlike others however, the paper would be used to build a foundation for a bank, being used for records and contracts. This would give Golkhi significant sway over the matters of banking and loans over many tribes as well as being able to negotiate better rates domestically.
-0.5 Interest Per Annum

The Chieftain\"A true monarch only deserves their throne if they can secure it. The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the lizardfolk they have around them. Whether by a forceful iron fist or deceitful affection, a ruler must use any means to maintain the stability of their clan\"\n- Nordasrex B. Moonlance - The Chieftain
+25% Rebel Suppression Efficiency
+10% Monstrous Tribes Loyalty Equilibrium
+10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium

Zganaga SkulkersOnce one finds their way into Golkhi, they might be bewildered to find an unusual abundance of naga, oddly working and living normal lives along with the peasantry. However upon closer inspection, these nagas are smaller in size, have two arms, lack hoods and often the magic aptitude always found among nagas. Indeed, the lesser nagas or \"Zganaga\" of Golkhi serve a different role in their society, commonly found as garrison troops slithering among the canopy, striking down their foes in a silent swift, or in intelligence work, as their agile bodies make them excellent spies.
+1 Attrition for Enemies
+10% Spy Network Construction

The Hishaekara ReignThe first naga chief of Golkhi, Sezo Ebonscale, was always terrified of death, especially that of her own life and tribe. When confronted with this issue near the end of her life, she and her council of mages casted a spell to enchant the throne of Golkhi with her own soul, constantly maintained by the loyalty of the mages of Golkhi. This would be the beginning of the hishaekara, a council of the apparitions of all the great monarchs in Golkhi’s history. Although the spell’s limitations can only allow them to speak, their ancient wisdom is one of the key factors to Golkhi’s survival as a polity.
+1 Monarch Administrative Skill

-25% Regiment Drill Loss