Hillthrone Ideas

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+20% Fort Defence
+50% Looting Speed

Queen of the HillEver since the conquest of Gnollish Businor, first at the hands of the Sorcerer-King, and later by the accursed Jaher and his elven legions, our once proud people have been sidelined and persecuted in our own land, forced to live in the highest peaks of the Khenak split into innumerable petty packs all across these mountains.\n\nSuch has been our situation for four hundred years until, capitalising on the ongoing Lilac Wars which kept Verne and Busilar busy in their own conflicts, a visionary leader arose: Xanzerbexis, the matriarch of a minor pack who began a brutal campaign of conquest and subjugation across the Khenak. By 1441, all 86 packs of the Hillthrone gnolls had been subdued and united under her leadership, through war, diplomacy and marriage, thus becoming the first undisputed Queen-of-the-Hill in recent history. Whilst her enemies accuse her of having sold her firstborn to demons in exchange for power, these claims only exacerbate her already fearsome reputation, for she would stop at nothing to keep her people free from human domination.
+20% Land Force Limit Modifier

Dogs of WarWhilst most of our people are hunters or goat herders, many instead take up the life of a mercenary. For very little coin, the human princes of The Borders would hire these fearsome gnollish warriors to fight in their wars, who then sent part of their money back home to support their pack.
-15% Mercenary Cost
+25% Mercenary Manpower

Hunters of the KhenakOur people live in the peaks of the Khenak range, an inhospitable and impoverished land with little to no agriculture, where the difference between an entire pack thriving or starving to death would be a single failed hunt. From proud mountain goats to the lethal wyverns of old, any foe can be brought down if the pack works together.
+25% National Supply Limit Modifier
+1 Attrition for Enemies

The Brainmarrow PactAt the beginning of the 16th century it was apparent the technological gap between the Hillthrone gnolls and their human rivals had become too significant to ignore. To fix this, the seventh Queen-of-the-Hill, Zabrixa instituted the Brainmarrow Pact, demanding Hillthrone mercenaries working abroad to bring a piece of knowledge or technology every five years.\n\nThe plan saw great success, most likely because should they fail to meet that quota the mercenary's family would be executed, and whilst it didn't prevent the ultimate downfall of the Hillthrone Gnolls decades later, it did bring them closer to Cannorian culture and ideas.
-5% Technology Cost

Cannorian GnollsAfter the fall of the Hillthrone's last independent redoubt to Busilar, most gnolls fled north in fear of being hunted down by the Busilari. Seeking asylum in nearby Sugamber, the Queen-of-the-Hill submitted herself and her last remaining armies to the duke, in exchange for a land to settle. Thus, the county of Honderaak was born.\n\nWhilst still looked down by most humans, these 'Dovesworn Gnolls' (as they'd eventually be called, after the Anbennarian sigil) eventually embraced human gods and traditions and become integrated within Sugamber society, some scholars even considering them a completely different race from their savage Sarhaly brethren due to their 'civilised' temperament.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Heirs of Gnollish BusinorAs the Dovesworn Gnolls became more cannorised, so began to spread a small movement among their intellectuals, celebrating the many accomplishments of the gnollish kingdoms of old, who ruled all of Businor. Whilst many humans see this with skepticism, the impact our ancestors had in the region is undeniable, and perhaps it will make them better understand our rich and diverse history.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Akcykx Scrap GunIn the late 19th century, a Dovesworn Gnoll weaponsmith and artificer by the name of Argex Akcykx invented the not very creatively named Akcykx Scrap Gun. This weapon is unique in that instead of shooting conventional bullets, it is able to convert almost anything, from metal scraps to coins, into deadly projectiles.\n\nWhile not accurate or precise by any stretch of the imagination, it gets the job done, leaving brutal lacerations on its victims, and thanks to its cheap maintenance and versatility, it become widely used by people all around the globe, with name Akcykx being inexorably tied to revolution and mercenaries in equal measure.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

+20% Improve Relations