Arbarani Ideas

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-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
+20% Manpower Recovery Speed

Knights MagnificentThe Order of the Knights Magnificent are renowned for their green-lined armour and fancy green-gray plumes - they revel in battle and travel the realms fighting injustice in the name of fame and fortune, but when their home calls: they answer.
+5% Discipline
+25% Prestige from Land battles

Silcalas InfluenceThe Silcalas Family is no doubt the most powerful and influential family in all of Cannor, especially after those pesky Silmunas were wiped out. They say for every noble in Anbennar there's five Silcalas scions. Our family has an eye and finger anywhere and everywhere, and will certainly aid in our endeavours.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+1 Diplomatic Relations

The Seed is StrongThere's absolutely loads of us.
+50% Chance of New Heir

Calasandur's LegacyCalasandur the Magnificent, the founder of the House of Silcalas, was one of, if not, the greatest elven craftsmen in history. Our family has always respected our origins and work to be the best crafters and builders around.
-15% Construction Cost

Arbarani Mercenary LordsAs per the Land Grants of 1227 the Marquis of Arbaran can bestow titles of nobility on worthy mercenaries who have proved themselves in service of Arbaran. Every mercenary wants to be a lord, and because of that many flock to Arbaran and work for reduced wages!
-15% Mercenary Maintenance
+25% Mercenary Manpower

Campground of the Free RealmsDuring the War of the Sorcerer-King Arbaran served as the main rallying point during the Liberation of Castanor. A strong martial tradition and duty against tyranny still rules Arbaran to this day, inspiring many to serve.
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier
+5% Morale of Armies

Calasanni Trading CompanyThe CLSTC is the largest mercantile company in the world. With our familial connections comes expert mercantile advice and guidance.
+20% Trade Efficiency

+10% Production Efficiency