Anbenncoster ideas

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-10% Advisor Cost
+30% Institution Spread

City WatchOur city has no single militia, but a multitude of organizations hailing a long history. Their duties traditionally involve policing the more volatile districts, and collecting dues for their services. It is, however, their utmost duty to organize the cityfolk in times of peril, for it is the countless people of Anbenncóst which is the city's greatest defense against rivals, and coveting foes.
+30% Garrison Size

Revitalization of Urban DesignThere is not enough space to expand within the tight confines of the city's borders, we've already adopted Halfling techniques of house stacking, yet it can only go so far. A new movement of urban design has moved forward, it proposes the demolition of the city's more ancient roots, and to reconstruct them under a new regulatory framework.
-10% Development Cost
+5% Production Efficiency

Heart of the EmpireAnbenncóst is the true capital of the Imperial Throne, and arising emperors must first make their way to our shores to receive fealty from all the realm.
+1 Diplomatic Relations
-1% Prestige Decay

City of AdventuresThe city of Anbenncóst offers all that the intrepid could desire, and the city is wracked with adventuring parties without wage, doing odd jobs such as slaying rats or sewer cultists to support their lifestyles. By establishing a dossier on these people, we are able to supplement our ranks with the destitute, skirting the need to deal with mercenary companies.
-40% Mercenary Maintenance
+25% Mercenary Manpower

Host the Order of ChroniclersThe Order of Chroniclers is a group of scholars and historians dedicated to collecting and scribing the world, and all its information, into the Chronicler's Encyclopedia. Headquartered in Anbenncóst's Temple District since its founding, the wealth of knowledge made available from all the world's corners is invaluable.
-10% Technology Cost

Residence of HeroesAnbenncóst is the retiring place of many adventurers of renown, and home to wealthy mercenary captains. During the Lilac Wars, Anbenncóst was transformed into a hub of mercenary companies. Hosting many of their properties, we start with a considerable advantage when negotiating new contracts.
-10% Mercenary Cost
+8% Mercenary Discipline

An Anbenncóster SaladMany Anbenncósters prefer theirs tossed.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
-25% State Maintenance

+15% Galley Combat Ability