Pearlsedger Ideas

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+50% Chance of New Heir
+15% Morale of Navies

The House of TrísferThe Trísferian Dynasty is unlike its predecessors, and was instead founded by an erudite son returning home with the enlightened ways of the elves. While young, the family now holds more connections in mainland Anbennar than the elder House of Pearlsedge ever did.
+10% Imperial Authority Growth Modifier
+20% Improve Relations

Defenders of the DamesheadPearlsedge's critical location holding land at the mouth of the Dameshead sea has given the utmost responsibility to protect the Empire from its enemies: we decide who may enter the rich seas of the Dameshead.
+10% Fort Defence
+10% Embargo Efficiency

Seafaring TraditionsIn times past Pearlsedge was a kingdom founded by the reavers, the northern raiding peoples of Gerudia. As the southernmost port of the reaver fleets, Pearlsedge become the homebase of many legendary reaver captains as they went to plunder the Divenhal Sea and beyond. We have never forgotten when our banners were the scourge of the Divenhal Sea, and one day, gods willing, it will be like that again.
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

Heritage of Reaver SettlersPearlsedge was founded by the infamous reaver Henrik Divenscourge, who after growing tired of sailing back to faraway Gerudia with his spoils from the Divenhal, instead conquered a portion of the Tretunic Kingdom and established himself as king. The blood of Henrik still flows in the veins of our people, and with the Rediscovery of Aelantir we must follow in his footsteps: if our ancestral home is not enough, we must build homes a new for the benefit for our peoples!
+1 Colonists

Bald Heads Glistening in the SunThe Pearlsedger tradition of shaving heads originated from the inhospitable climates the reavers entered, but soon evolved into a true tradition that marked a man's dedication either to his wife or to the art of war. While the shaving of heads after marriage eventually became only a tradition for the most conservative Pearlsedgers by the end of the Lilac Wars due to the elvenization efforts of the Trísferian dukes, the sign of a true warrior, bald heads glittering in the sun, still held proud and true.
-1 National Unrest
+5% Morale of Armies

Pearlywine VineyardsIn hopes to enter the lucrative trade of the Bay of Wines to the west, Pearlsedger Dukes of old have made their own vineyards, becoming the leader in white wines in Cannor, with the unique bubbling qualities of the Pearl Vintage becoming a prestigious and favoured commodity across the world.
+10% Production Efficiency

Pearl HuntersThe namesake of our realm, our ancestors made a fortune harvesting rare pearls, and as such our people have become well-known for being skilled traders able to get the most out of any resource.
+10% Provincial Trade Power Modifier

+10% Trade Efficiency