Endralliander Ideas

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+20% Ship Trade Power
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

Seal of The Golden ExpeditionA Golden Rose in the midst of mists, surrounded by vast seas. That is the unmistakable mark of an Endralliande flag, known to any sailor worth his head in the West. The origins of this emblem go back to the original discoverer of the islands; The Elven Captain Endral, an explorer from The Redglades. Under his guidance, Human and Elven sailors, sponsored by Human crowns and Elven wisdom, found their way across the Uelios’s Lament to shore. On that fateful night in the last decade of the 15th century, having prayed to the moon and followed their star chart, maneuvering through small islands on its northeastern coast, a group of explorers charted the coastal fringes of what would be Halann’s most expansive island: Endralliande!
+10% Morale of Navies

The Realm of The FogComplete silence as the howling wind delivers a chilling current from the ocean. Settlers forgetting their names for a brief, if ominous, moment. Field workers looking back to see they’re not walking through plantation fields anymore but a fog so dense the afternoon sun is entirely lost. And, of course, there are the voices inviting strangers and the lost to venture into the dark untamed forests. This is the reality of Endralliande. Like the island of Venáil, large parts of Endralliande are covered in a deep mysterious fog.\n\nAdding to the mystery were the constant reports of missing ships, expeditions, and even whole colonies. Enough to put fear into the hearts of any potential colonizers at the initial stages. But for some, the promise of adventure knows no bounds…\n\nNow, as more fresh breaths slowly fill the air and more people come to Aelantir looking for a new life, the fog seems to accommodate. The air is no longer thick with tension. And even if most days still remain misty, the settlers make up for it by lighting up their homes, streets, and temples.
-5% Development Cost
+1 Attrition for Enemies

The Bride of LencenorThe Rulers of Lencenor have always held much interest in the lands of Endralliande both from an economic standpoint and as a reliable platform for colonial expeditions into Aelantir. Indeed this is reflected by most all merchants coming to Endralliande either depart from Westport and Wineport or set sail for those destinations. While some might worry that our own economic well-being is married to that of Lencenor, the fact of the matter is that is the nature of our relationship. So let us make good of it by building upon these already-existing ties and take advantage of our unique position to reap the most amount of monetary benefit.
+10% Global Trade Power

Coasts of LightMoving west from Trollsbay and up the Ruin Islands towards Endralliande, the dense fog slowly crawls onto the captain’s ship, and just as they think themselves lost, bright stars reveal a heartwarming sight, not up on the sky, no, look forth! It’s the Coasts of Light! They shine in all shapes and colors. Wide and blue in Aelnari style. Bright and clear just as they did in Lorent. Gold and direct in true Asraporter fashion. Having never seen the many lighthouses of the Endralliander Coastline, the sailors take a moment to revel in its sight, sharing this moment.
+1 Yearly Prestige
+20% Trade Steering

The Standard Elven ArmyWith the mass migration of elves into their old homeland, the colonizing powers in Endralliande sought to take advantage of their expertise in warfare to lead their small yet high-spirited colonial troops. After Endralliande’s independence, since centralized governance for all of its constituent islands was difficult, the local townships and ports sought to take advantage of the already present elven officers to perform police duties for their settlements. These officers would often organize the local militia and oversee army recruitment in times of war. They were paid a standard, consistent wage by the central government to ensure loyalty and high training standards, leading to an increase in demand for these positions, and highly talented deputies as a result.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

Four Corners NavyThe Calamity Pass and Endralliande are where the four corners of the world come together. And it is also where the world’s finest naval minds meet. Bus Akasi officers, Varivari marines, Trollsbayer captains, Taychendi merchants, all can be found settled in Endralliande. Together they are more than just the motley crew of Endralliande’s navy. Through relentless drills, tooth-and-nail encounters with pirates and days lost in the foggy seas, they are brothers and sisters. More than even that, they represent what makes an Endralliander; Courage, Comradery, Stoicism.
+25% Marines Force Limit
-10% Morale Hit When Losing a Ship

Aelantir Nexus"Situated between Cannor and Aelantir, it is almost impossible for a West-bound trader to not end up in Endralliande at some point. Offering comfortable deep-water ports, lenient tariffs and taxes, and a welcoming community, Endralliande is quickly becoming a social hub for passengers and colonists alike. Everyone from all walks of life is welcome to settle in the isles, be it on their own accord or otherwise…\n\n…A massive merchant fleet looming close to Westport reminds onlookers that Endralliande has risen from a soul-less wasteland to be one of the vital cogs in the world’s economy. Out in The East, the 'Cannorian side' cities and old plantations are growing at a steady rate, powered by a lively maritime trade, fertilizers and selective breeding techniques. And facing the Trollsbay, in Western Endralliande, at the 'Concordian side' the factory worker works around the clock to make a modern economy function, bringing prosperity to the realm. It is now clear that the people of Endralliande, those humans, orcs, elves, and their half-blood, look back to their shared history, and to the future and their shared destiny, as a source of national pride and inspiration."\n\n- Aileste Cófravítrn, Excerpt from the Ailestic World Atlas, Published 1821/01/01
+10% Trade Efficiency

+10% Number of Cannons Modifier