Cheshoshoanta Ideas

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+10% Infantry Combat Ability
+100% Vassal Force Limit Contribution

The Aimless MigrationIt is said that many years ago a great chieftain known as Imar'el of the Cheshoshi led our people on a great quest south, so that we could work towards our great destiny. Imar'el did not survive the journey south, dying from a great fall, and she did not share the purpose of the journey with our tribe but we were not left without hope: a man known as Pele'na arose from our tribe and continued her quest. Pele'na had dreams of the world and the destruction that befell it, seeking to avoid this fate for our people he lead us on a quest south from where we descended but, much like Imar'el, he died before he could achieve this goal and our people were once again left without a purpose in a period our people know as the aimless migration.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Bone CitadelWhen we arrived in Cheshosh'tckuka we found an ancient structure built into the ground itself, and hidden within the depths ancient murals, depicting Cheshosh bringing his judgement and righteous fury against the sinners of the land and buried in this structure were the victims of his fury. From our dreams and these murals we came to understand Cheshosh, and our purpose. Cheshosh fought the sinners for many years, until he awoke a great dragon with whom he fought for 40 days and nights, until finally, he defeated the dragon but was forced into the depths of the ocean, where he slumbers to this day.\n\nThe Bone Citadel was built above these ancient murals, and is where our chief performs their ritual sacrifices, reminding our people of the power of Cheshosh, and of the high chief of Cheshoshoanta.
+10% Liberty Desire in Subjects

Cheshosh's TollCheshosh's toll is the tribute that must be paid from the many vassal-tribes of Cheshoshoanta, ranging from the Reapers Coast to the Cheshoshi tribes in the Trollsbay they are expected to send live sacrifice to our ruler, in order that they may be sacrificed in honour of Cheshosh. In recent years, the Boek have been growing more wary to our raids, with some even banding together in order to fight back our warriors, this combined with the Boek being forced north many of the vassal tribes have found themselves unable to pay the heavy toll. Our chief has offered them an alternative, pay the tribute in full using their own tribespeople, or pay in gold.
+25% Income from Vassals

Black LegionThey came from the seas and brought with them nothing but destruction. Dressed in dark black and worshipping some twisted aspect of death they came to destroy us, claiming our ways to be heretical, and in opposition to the wishes of Cheshosh.\n\nThe Black Legion did not fight for Cheshosh, and they were no match for our warriors, however they brought with them one advantage: a horrifying stick-like weapon capable of spitting death out our warriors. To the horror of the legion however we became adept at avoiding these weapons, having our warriors spread whilst approaching and then striking them down in a rapid charge.
-10% Fire Damage Received

Sacking of the Bone CitadelAfter many years of fighting with the Onyx Legion we were forced to retreat to the Bone Citadel where we sought to hold off the Black Legion and buy time for the vassal tribes to send their aid.\n\nWhile we pushed the Black Legion out and held the palace, it was greatly damaged from the siege and the legion looted many of our holy relics. Over the following years the Bone Palace was rebuilt, with great fortifications in anticipation of the return of the Black Legion.
+15% Fort Defence

Revoke the ChieftainsFollowing the war with the Black Legion it became apparent to the then chief of Cheshoshoanta, Yar're, that the vassal chiefs could no longer be trusted. Of those that our envoys reached, only one sent aid and many have followed the example set by Soru all those years ago and declaring independence from our realm. Those tribes who betrayed Cheshoshoanta will be brought before Yar're, and they will be made to answer for their crimes.\n\nTheir lives shall be forfeit.
-25% Diplomatic Annexation Cost

Voice of Cheshosh"Cheshoshoanta has been beaten, by the legion who mocks death, by the settlers who would seek to kill our people and take our land, even by other Cheshoshi who wish to see our nation in ruins, and yet? Cheshoshoanta stands tall, unbroken, the Bone Citadel rebuilt, the arrogant chiefs slain, their tribes subjugated, and the settlers pushed back into the depths, where they will slumber with Cheshosh.\n\nIt is clear that our high chief is the only one who can guide us along the path of Cheshosh, the one who speaks for Cheshosh. They go to war, bringing Cheshosh's fury upon the world, and we shall follow." - Yun'tke, Bone-Priest
+15% Manpower Recovery Speed

+10 Maximum Absolutism