Arawkelino Ideas

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-20% Culture Conversion Cost
+20% National Sailors Modifier

Martao PrincesWith the consistent foreign influence on Arawkelin from the Yan to the Sun Elves, a great number of the Kelino people see themselves as Martao (meaning Sea people in corrupted Bulwari/Kelino) and hold their mixed race origins with great prize and allure.\n\nThe most powerful of these mixed race peoples used their unique standing and overseas contacts to gain a considerable amount of standing compared to those of purely Lupulan origin. The half-Yan martao formed the first plutocratic merchant families, while the half-elven martao paraded themselves as the equivalent of the Silver Families of Anbennar.
-25% Diplomatic Advisor Cost

City on the Sunharbour RiverWhen the sun elves sought to control the Halessi seas, they found friendship with the Kelino tribes and built a great harbour in their largest settlement. Over time this port settlement grew into a city that quickly became the halfway point between the Gulf of Rahen and Yanshen called Arawkelin, meaning 'Sunharbour River', deriving from the native 'Araw' for sun and the Sun Elven 'kel' and 'in' meaning harbour and river respectively.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Islander OriginsThe Kelino people originated as one of the hundreds of Gataw tribes living in the crowded Ringlet Islands. These peoples have long lived a simple life on the islands, using canoes suited for the island's shallow waters.\n\nWhile the Kelino originate from Hanto Hanto, the great conqueror who invaded the Lupulan Rainforest for the simple reason of wanderlust, the Kelino people still cling to the naval traditions of their ancestors to this day, with many Ringlet-style crafts seen all around the Bay of Lupulan and its interior rivers alongside the traditional Yanglamese canoes.
+10% Galley Combat Ability

Officers of the SunOn Jaher's death, his sun elven legions were forced to kill their way out of Yanshen as what seemed like the entire world turned against them. Many of these sun elves found refuge in Arawkelin, raising and training an army for an invasion from anti-elf forces that never came. Instead, Arawkelin gained a strong cadre of former legionaries as new officers and leaders for their armies, training the native Kelino to mimic the days of old.\n\nOver time, these sun elves would later return home to Bulwar peacefully, or go to Azkare for a true semblance of a sun elf-led state, but the country's reliance on foreign officers training a largely native force remained. Just as Arawkelin was one of the first to welcome Cannorian traders, they were also one of the first to adopt their ways of war, and even offered luxurious positions to veteran soldiers to train up their army in this new era of gunpowder warfare.
+5% Discipline

Aksa SanuyegoOn the western tip of the Lupulan Rainforest lies the great naval fortress of Aksa Sanuyego (meaning Citadel of the Flaming Leaf).Constructed under Jaher's orders, the great citadel would prove as a primary source of trade power for the Eastern Phoenix Empire and Arawkelin itself, allowing safe passage between Sramaya and Tianlou. By the 18th century, the citadel was renovated and Arawkelin imported the latest in cannon technology from their Cannorian contacts, furthering their crucial position as 'The Middlemen of the Halessi Seas'.
+10% Global Trade Power

Kelino Colonial Co-optionThe Kelino peoples have always had some foreign influence dominating their lands. While their Halessi counterparts largely resisted and kept their cultural traditions and languages, the Kelino became a unique case of cultural syncretism in Haless. Others may see it as foreign cultures erasing native ones - the Kelino see it differently, as they have instead taken the best of their conqueror's customs and traditions to make one of the most unique cultural mixtures seen in Haless.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Ravelian Rifle MissionariesAs the Ravelian Church grew in power, their focus went from simply discovering the world's secrets to spreading their knowledge through any means necessary. In Arawkelin, they found allies in the country's Martao population, who held an affinity to the half-elven Anbennar nobility. and had long been proponents of modernization for Arawkelin.\n\nEventually, many martao oligarchs employed scores of 'rifle missionaries' who helped them fight their private wars against the rural population living deeper in the Lupulan, and of course, allowing the martao to develop these lands into factories and cities. In return, they allowed the Ravelians to convert the rural folk to the true faith through whatever means deemed necessary.
+10% Land Fire Damage
+1% Missionary Strength

+20% Institution Spread