Eliznan Ideas

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+15% National Sailors Modifier
+2 Tolerance of Heathens

Kheteratan SyncretismQueen Zaleria knew she could not lead Elizna like her predecessors if she was to rule over both her people and the Kheteratans. She adopted a policy in which many of the Kheteratan customs, ceremonies, and practices were added to the daily happenings at her court. Many Kheteratan advisors were allowed in the court and were considered some of Zaleria's closest allies, something unheard of in other Kingdoms. In addition to this, she tasked her priests with finding similarities between the worship of Surael and Elikhet, and many were found. Both gods are believed to be the only true god. Both Surael and Elikhet sacrificed themselves so that darkness could be held at bay. Both Surael and Elikhet had a Chosen people (The Elves and Khet respectively) which were appointed as guardians of their servants. Some high priests have claimed that Surael and Elikhet are one and the same, and Elikhet was a manifestation of Surael to protect against the Darkness in times of dire need. While at first controversial, over the centuries many of Elizna's subjects have come to accept this theory.
+5% Administrative Technology Cost
+15% Religious Unity

Imperial FleetAfter the Kalib Conference, it was the various Kingdom's duty to welcome the legionnaires that were left without a home after the war. Elizna, thanks to its many ports and estuaries, managed to catch the eye of many of the legionary sailors and admirals who decided to make it their home. Elizna, in dire need of a navy, was more than happy to welcome them especially since they brought with them the remains of the imperial fleet and its crown jewel, Jaher's migrant ship, the Diranhriá. As thanks for their service and choice in serving Elizna, the admiralty has always benefited from greater power and influence in Elizna than in other countries.
-25% Flagship Cost
+15% Morale of Navies

Supremacists no moreWhen visitors arrive in Elizna, they often expect the stereotypical look of Sun Elf culture, but what they find instead is a mix and match of the different arts and styles of the various populations of Elizna. Ever since Zaleria introduced the Kheteratan culture and fashion to the Eliznan nobility, the Elves have developed a love for the Kheteratan customs that are now commonplace in their realm It is now a common sight in any part of Elizna to see a vibrant assortment of different cultures and colors in a harmonious mix.
-5 Years of Separatism

Zaleria's MarinesFirst instituted by Queen Zaleria in 1323, The Zalerian Fins are a force of elite marines, trained in rapid deployment and fast hitting strikes. Rapidly after their inception, the Fins had proven their usefulness and efficiency to Elizna. While the regular troops were still trudging through the deserts, the Fins would have already hit the major ports of the enemy, paralyzing their naval capabilities while strengthening the supply routes that would feed the conquest.
+25% Marines Force Limit
+1 Blockade Impact on Siege

Merchants and CraftsmenElizna's main base of support in Kheterata has always been the middle class, the merchants and artisans, who were never able to prosper under the decadent Crodamos, who favoured the stability of large noble estates. Our ties in the Divenhal and large navy to protect our merchant fleets makes us an enticing candidate to support in the bid for the Mother's Sorrow, and as such we are always able to rely on the support of the middle class wherever we go in Kheterata.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Eliznan SunriseEliznan Sunrise is a black tea mixed with a citrusy oil giving it a fresh smell and taste which is supposed to reinvigorate the one drinking it. When consumed by elves it is often spiced with a small amount of honey to enhance the flavor, while humans tend to prefer it sweeter with sugar either consumed alongside it or put in the drink itself.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Jaher's ClaimOne of Jaher's many achievements had been that he had convinced the Khetarch to crown him king upon the death of the current monarch. It is a great shame that he died before being able to take up that mantle, but that does not mean that his claim is lost. The other Elves killed Jaher's empire by splitting it, but only we stood by him to the end and so we must rebuild his empire, starting with Kheterata.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact
+0.025 Monthly Mandate

+15% Manpower in Accepted Culture provinces