Bloodsong Ideas

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+20% Land Force Limit Modifier
-10% Land Maintenance Modifier

United in SongOnce we were masters of the Serpentspine, rulers of the caves for a long time, with our echoes and songs filling up the caves as it´s owners before the hobgoblin managed to enslave us, forcing us out and being used as shock troops. Being beaten down again and again into submission, with everything taken by them. Everything but our songs that our shamans sing of a past when we had everything as we toll away on fields and battlefields. But as time marches on and the constant changing of their homes by the orders of the command their songs started to spread out towards other slaves, one of the few things that elevates the spirits of the enslaved, “In the end they all lift together”, no matter the race, size or standing. Knowing that they did not suffer alone gave them an ember relief in their enslaved days.
-1 National Unrest
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

Conflict with the LocalsThe hobgoblins allocated us a meager portion of land following the initial invasion, and a significant portion of it was already inhabited by the vulnerable Raheni. In order to secure our own space, we, the brown orcs, were compelled to displace them from their territories, thereby fostering within our nation a distinct aptitude for uprooting individuals from their native lands.
-20% Culture Conversion Cost
+20% Looting Speed

Hobgoblin Advance GuardAs brown orcs subjected to the rule of the hobgoblins, we were compelled to serve as what they termed the “advance guard,” though we were well aware that we were being employed as mere cannon fodder. Nevertheless, due to this role, our forces became adept at managing and replenishing substantial counts of frontline infantry.
-10% Infantry Cost

War HornsOne of the earliest tools and instruments that the orcs employed in the Serpentspine was mainly obtained from the myriad of terrifying and perilous creatures residing within the mountain range. Chieftons wielded the largest ones, using these horns to herald the onset of battle, just before charging frenziedly toward their adversaries. These horns served as one of the few reminders of their lives before they were tragically enslaved by the command.\n\nIn the present day, these instruments have evolved much like the orcs themselves. Originating as rudimentary tools, the horns were refined, trained, and intricately carved into efficient and flawless implements of war. They produce a diverse range of tones, conveying precise commands and orders to the orcish ears, while also generating a deafening and intimidating effect on any foe standing before them. Resembling a tide, the resounding echoes of these horns engulf and submerge everything in the path of the advancing brown orc vanguard.
+10% Morale Damage
+10% Shock Damage

Works of All KindsWe, the brown orcs, are a resilient folk, and ever since we emerged onto the surface, we have acquired a multitude of skills from the inhabitants of this land. From woodworking to farming, leatherworking, and an array of other crafts, we have gained a reputation throughout Haless as quick learners and versatile laborers.
+10% Production Efficiency

Slave MelodiesOnce the battle was over, the war finally came to an end. The warhorns were granted a reprieve, much like the orcs. They returned to their homes where diverse tones filled the air. The same air that was once inundated with the sound of the tide of brown orcs and their horns, now resonated with gentle, weary humming, enveloping the atmosphere of their subjugated homes. Their lives resumed their normal rhythm, a period of respite before they once again labored in the fields, honed their weapons, mended the horns, and restored the land.\n\nEach task had its own melody, and every facet of their existence had a unique song. Much like the music of Haless with its gradual crescendo, the brown orcs, too, followed a similar pattern as they recuperated, rested, and mended. They pieced together their melodies once more, gradually building up their strength before the moment arrived when they would once again echo across the battlefield with their horns in a renewed crescendo. A sequence of anticipation, a climax, and a conclusion – all waiting to be played out once more.
+10% Improve Relations

Our New HomeThe lands of the Raheni are abundant and thriving, teeming with resources such as ivory, gold, porcelain, silk, and numerous other valuable commodities. Throughout the ages, these lands have been inhabited by various peoples: the Raheni, the Harimari, and countless others. We too have transcended the role of mere guests in this territory, and it is our duty to endeavor to establish it as our home as well.
-10% Development Cost

+15% National Manpower Modifier