Dendugma Ideas

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+15% Fort Defence
-10% Idea Cost

Dendugma SteelIronwood trees are unique to West Sarhal, planted in the Dao Nako jungle in times immemorial. It was the Tamajoba who first learned how to craft with ironwood, and an unbroken line of smiths have since resided at Dendugma perfecting the refining of this special metal. The result is the finest steel produced in Sarhal: Dendugma steel. Most warriors dream of possessing Dendugma steel weapons and many rulers have visited Dendugma personally to commission such weapons.
+10% Shock Damage

That Which Does Not BurnThe symbol of Dendugma, found on its flag, means, "Hye Won Hye," or, "that which does not burn". This captures the drive of the monks of Dendugma to be unyielding, both physically and mentally. They must toil long hours in harsh heat within their monastic forges to perfect their crafts. Monks will sometimes perform rituals of walking across burning coals in order to temper themselves and to inspire those around them to never give up.
+10% May Recruit Female Generals

Lava ChildrenSome monks speak of times when they leave their work at night, only to return the next day to find it not only finished, but with a quality of work well beyond their abilities. This, they say, must be due to 'lava children' - said to be servants of the smith god Mojobaa, which live within the Dendugma volcano. Nobody has ever seen one of these 'lava children', but the monks are inspired by these tales to try to match the skilled work of their god's craftsmen.
+10% Production Efficiency

Adherents of MojobaaThe monks of Dendugma are devoted worshippers of the god Mojobaa, who lives within the Dendugma volcano, and crafts weapons for the gods themselves. When monks earn the right to call themselves smiths, they marry their hammers, dedicating themselves to a lifelong journey to perfect the art of smithing, and eschewing a traditional life of spouse and family. This devotion extends even to the grave, as monk-smiths are buried with their anvil, so that they might carry on their work in the land of the ancestors.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Training the PlanetouchedIn the days of the second Fangaulan Empire, Tamasada was the site of an imperial training ground for the exclusive training of planetouched. Those days are long gone, but planetouched still come from throughout West Sarhal, and sometimes beyond, in order to use the old grounds. There is no organisation nor formalised training, but the old training facilities still provide better opportunities to learn than are available elsewhere. The knowledge and connections gained from this stream of planetouched visitors mean that their neighbours cannot afford to take them lightly.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Early Sarhaly RiflesWhen merchants first brought firearms to West Sarhal, other peoples were in awe of these new tools of war. The monk-smiths had no time for awe. They immediately set to work puzzling over the mechanisms and metallurgy of the weapons, adapted them with their smithing acumen, and created their own. Certainly there was ingenuity in the Cannorian designs, but the priests of Mojobaa quickly improved upon them.
+0.15 Infantry Fire

The Eruption of DendugmaThe eruption of the Dendugma volcano brought unparalleled calamity to the Tamajoba people. the volcanic winter that followed leaving them as refugees, forcing them to seek shelter in the warm jungles of Negefaama. Whilst the people fled, the monks found safe haven by withdrawing into one of their monasteries, built in the ruins of an ancient efreeti palace. They proclaimed that the monastery's survival when all else was destroyed must be a blessing from Mojobaa. Though the district came to be mostly populated by Binwarji immigrants, leaving the Tamajobans as a minority within their own land, the tale remains a symbol of their endurance and imperishability.
-0.02 Monthly War Exhaustion

+1 Military Possible Policies