Silentblade Ideas

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+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
+15% Movement Speed

No Honor Amongst SilentbladesAny orc worthy of their name knows strength must be held above all else. To most orcs, this means fighting on the open field. There are none in our clan who doubt this, but unlike most orcs, we see there are other ways to prove one’s strength. A well timed assassination or ambush can bring the same results as the most glorious charge. To most orcs, these methods bring no honor, but any orc worth their name knows that the dead have no strength at all.
+15% Spy Network Construction

First Chosen by the AshenfeyIt was our chieftain Troknar Silentblade who led our clan, as well as Cursed Howl and Blackmoon, through the vicious labyrinth that is the Deepwoods. When we arrived in the Shadow Grove, it was Troknar’s cunning that won us the patronage and aid of the mysterious Ashentree Fey and gave us the greatest victory ever seen against the elves, resulting in the complete destruction of Salla Ghúl. While some questioned our clan’s decision to stay in the Shadow Grove instead of continuing to fight the elves, Troknar’s foresight was proven once more when news of Korgus Dookanson’s death reached us some months later and found Silentblade secure in our new glade fortress.\n\nNow, Troknar comes to us promising a new source of strength, one that stems from Ashentree Fey. Time and again, Troknar has proven his worthiness. Who are we to doubt him?
+10% Shock Damage

+15% Available Loot

+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

-10% Construction Cost

+10% Reduced Morale Damage Taken By Reserves

-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

+10% Goods Produced Modifier