Domfanic Ideas

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+10% Trade Power Abroad
+10% National Tax Modifier

Rhymes of RhovynucRhovynuc, a corruption of “Rohavy Buycev”, “Savage Horse”, was the fake name of Yarhel Yonnasik, an infamous bandit leader active from 613 to 644.\n\nBeginning his career during the aftermath of the Dolindhan conquest of Sarda, Yarhel's legend begins with the theft of an entire herd of antler horses, and he used them to form a robber band in the woodlands of the southern Ynnic Empire. Though some claimed he was little more than another beast to be found in the woods near Vels Domfan, in truth he and his band adopted the chivalric values of their Dolindhan conquerors: never using violence when scare tactics would do, providing the poor with food stolen from the rich, and protecting the locals from any (other) prowling monsters.\n\nRhovynuc evaded imperial capture for decades, until betrayal saw him captured and executed. But to this day, his legend lives on, ever-popular with our playwrights and bards and inspiring all who hear of him.
+1 Land Leader Shock

Vote With Your Feet!A common saying in Vels Domfan is that if people are unhappy with their lot in life or with the current mayor’s policies, they should just leave, thus “voting with their feet”. While other lords would spend much time and fanfare to justify their wisdom, benevolence and the oh so many accomplishments of their house, the mayors of Vels Domfan know but a simple spell against the angry masses. A powerful one, that leaves them free to deal with more serious matters.\n\nBeing spared from Emperor Calrodiy I’s reform which enforced serfdom throughout most of Sarda in 894, Vels Domfan’s territory has dearly clung onto its social mobility. Why repress troublemakers or try to convince them of your benevolence, when you can simply export them away? The holy Ynn is limitless and ever-welcoming, or so the Adbrabohvir river-priests next door say.
-1 National Unrest
+8% Reform Progress Growth

Knights of the Young RepublicJust because we are a republic, it doesn't mean we can't have knights! Many noble clans are willing to defend Vels Domfan, and during peacetime they perform as traders and road-guards, gaining extra revenue which helps pay for them and recruit even more knights.\n\n“Departing Adbrabohvi, we were informed that the next settlement was a town named Vels Domfan, meaning "Forest Home", and were advised to keep to the beaten path on the way there. My party was surprised to discover that the namesake forest of Vels Domfan was patrolled by a great number of native knights, which was a sharp contrast from the forests of Noruin where no native horse lived.\n\nThose Ynnic knights rode great antlered horses, wielded swords or long knives, wore leather or iron armours and protected their heads with antlered helmets. While the craftsmanship of their equipment was crude and lacked the true elven finesse of Ibevari or Lorentish knights, and they lacked technology such as stirrups and couches, they still carried themselves with elegance, donning vibrant milk-green cloaks, and their numbers were great like the armies of Adenica and Enteben of old."\n\n-Report on the Ynn River and its People, Adrien síl Terr, Cannorian Explorer, 1557
-10% Cavalry Cost
+1 Merchants

The Green-Gold MintThe pride of Vels Domfan, more famous than its luscious riverbanks or its gorgeous forest, is the mint-green glass coins produced by our city mint, named the Green-Gold Mint because our coins have a transparent glass exterior encasing a golden interior. These glass coins are as durable as they are beautiful, thanks to the labour of a dedicated order of mage-crafters, and they used to be found as far north as Svemel and Vareynn.\n\nIn 908 Emperor Calrodiy II, struck by the beauty of our coins, ordered that they become the standard currency across the Ynnic Empire - a choice which proved to be wise, as growing hostilities with the Epednar tribes would soon disrupt the trade of gold arriving from the western mountains, which our coins only use a small quantity of.\n\nBut in a twist of fate that would make Rhovynuc proud, our Green-Gold Mint would also be the final nail in the coffin of the Ynnic Empire, when in 1203 Emperor Fineas, ruling over a rump state limited to the Sarda region, tried to enforce serfdom in our territory and demanded the relocation of the mint to Arverynn. In response, Vels Domfan interrupted the supply of coins to the Imperial coffers, and in the ensuing collapse two years later, Emperor Fineas would go down in history as Fineas the Lynched.
+0.05 Yearly Inflation Reduction
+10% Spy Network Construction

The Green Knight and the Golden Queen“Oh oh oh, there was a boy all clad in green\nIn his dreams and his heart he longed for a queen\nHe strove and he stoked as he fought against demons\nAnd for that with the queen an audience he won:\n\nMy lady, many are my deeds\nAll of which go along with our creeds\nThe nobleness of my heart shines bright and resolute\nFor justice and beauty I've championed absolute\n\nAnd finally whispered the queen oh she whispered:\nMy dear boy Gelinik, I'm impressed I am\nCouldn't find a hero like you in another realm\nSo come back\nWhen you are richer and seasoned beyond being upright\nFor my heart wants a mayor and not just any knight."\n\n-Domfanic Popular Ballad
+1 Random Candidate Bonus
+1 Monarch Diplomatic Skill

Hradka Hariez FestivalEvery winter, the walls of Vels Domfan liven up for the Hradka Hariez Festival, in which elves from all over Sarda visit our city for a week of revelry. In the tree-lined streets, you will find farmers’ markets, merchants of the exotic, slender jugglers and truth-whispering jesters at your service for just a modest sum, while up high you will see the banners of Arverynn, Thromshana, Stanyrhrada and many more hung by the city walls, creating a contrast of colours so lively, it gives the festival its name - the Citadel of Colours.\n\nSo lively is the contrast, only the hair of the gathered Sarda nobility, blessed with naturally-occurring colourful hair of many shades, could hope to rival it. You don't have a special hair colour? What are you waiting for, specialized hair-dyers will colour your hair to Bacaran Blue, Vyrekynn Teal, Stanyrhradan Deep Green, Fadhevychi Magenta, and many more colours you desire.
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

Vidraziar University“…You see, esteemed students; to many, the influx of foreign settlers and pioneers has turned into what may very well be a Second Ending Flood. While the unprepared minds cower away from this oncoming tide by doubling down on traditionalism and listening blindly to river priests, a very important fact has been unraveled to me:\n\nLike the Ending Flood of our myths came to wipe away the old world, a new Ending Flood is coming to wipe away from our minds all vestiges of an era past, sweeping aside those who stubbornly cling to it. The only way is forward, even if we have to break our traditions! What will a few farcical aquatic ceremonies amount to when compared to witnessing the dawn of a new era we stand right on the brink of?"\n\n-The inaugural lecture by Celavyr Diretnik, headmaster of Vidraziar University. Celavyr was later apprehended and executed for plotting treason against the Sarda Empire in 1770.
-20% Institution Embracement Cost
-15% Promote Culture Cost

-5% Technology Cost