Adenner Ideas

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+33% Cavalry Combat Ability
+3% Missionary Strength

Birthplace of ChivalryThe Kingdom of Adenica was the birthplace of the common ideals of "knights" and chivalry. When Adenica fell during the Greentide, that shining beacon of honour and chivalry was lost. With Adenica reforged again, we will rise to meet the ideals of our forefather and shine once more. With righteous hearts, our knights will reclaim their former glory as they ride against injustice.
+20% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
+100% Cavalry Flanking Ability

Sons of AdeanAdean is the first-born son of Castellos, and the god of honour, justice and chivalry. When our kingdom was founded, and now refounded, our people embraced these ideals in their entirety. To this end, every man, woman, and child holds this pledge in their hearts: “We are the spear of Adean and all he stands for. No matter what evil we face, we shall not falter.”
+15% Morale of Armies

The Corinite HeresyThere is no doubt in our minds that Corin deserved her ascent to godhood for her valiant sacrifice ending the Greentide. Yet this attempted usurpation of the Regent Court shows that perhaps it was truly Agrados reborn, not Corin ascendant, that has declared war upon the gods. The Corinites do not pledge themselves to Corin and her beliefs, but to Agrados. This vile heresy and desecration of both Corin's name and the Regent Court as a whole cannot be tolerated. We must be the spear of Adean once more.
-50% Cost of enforcing religion through war

Born to FightWhen Castanor fell, Adenica fought for its sovereignty against the other successor states. It fought to the last as the Greentide brought ruin to Escann. Even when struck down, its spirit continued to fight. And, through fire, blood and steel, Adenica was reforged. Adenners have never feared fighting for what was right and they are ready and willing to continue that fight once more.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Land of HonorIn Adenica, we pride ourselves on our high standards of honourable conduct. It is a core element of our culture and society, second only to our faith. This high level of honour and respect has led to a vastly lower level of corruption, blackmail and abuse of power within our bureaucracy.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Knight-Kings of AdenicaTo rule in Adenica, you must prove yourself worthy of rule. To do this, one must obtain knighthood before ascending to the throne. This has been a long standing tradition within our kingdom, and has proven profoundly useful. Our Knight-Kings are known throughout the world for their chivalrous and honourable conduct, and are role models to many rulers and heir-apparents. This reputation has left us in good standing within the global community.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Between the TitansOur proximity to both the Empire of Anbennar and the reborn realms of Escann have provided us a unique opportunity. We are able to draw on the regulations and innovations of the Western Cannorians, and the military expertise from the Escanni realms. We can leverage this advantage to stay head of the curve, and ensure our ability to protect those in need.
+20% Institution Spread

+2 Tolerance of the True Faith