Flying Hound Ideas

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+50% Looting Speed
-25% Military Advisor Cost

Bred for the DismountedEven though our clan is very young, its history can be traced back to the early days of the Greentide. When orcs invaded, they dragged their goblin slaves out with them from the Serpentspine. Many of these goblins came riding on the backs of giant spiders. These giant spider riders were a fearsome force; however, they had a major downside. Giant spiders are not native to Escann, so when a goblin lost their mount in battle, it was extremely expensive, if possible at all, to get a replacement. What wasn’t rare to find in Escann were dogs; plenty of stray dogs roamed the now war-ravaged land. Dismounted riders soon began using dogs as replacements, and almost immediately after that, they began breeding them to improve speed and riding capability. As the cohesion of the Greentide started to collapse, many of these now-free dog riders came together and formed the Flying Hound clan.
-20% Cavalry Cost

Goblins Sneaky TacticsWe goblins were nothing but fodder to the Dookanson, used as flimsy meat shields. And while we were slaughtered by adventurer firearms, the orcs mindlessly charged after the first barrage, running over every dying goblin and bringing them to an agonising end.\n\n Now that we are free, this will no longer be. We will fight as we learned in the darkness of the caverns, cleverly hiding and attacking with poisoned arrows, ambushing enemy leaders and bleeding their armies. This is the way of goblin warfare, and it is the way we will forever follow as long as we are free.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Rabid CampaignsWhen news of the Dookanson's death spread, nearly every goblin was ecstatic, but left feeling very uncertain about the future. Not Elgek, though. When word reached his ears, it is said you could just tell he saw opportunity from the look that was shining forth from his eyes and his big grin. Immediately Elgek sounded a rallying cry which amassed many goblins to his side, especially amongst dog riders who eventually dubbed him clanboss of the Flying Hound clan. Unfortunately, Elgek did not turn out to be the great military mind of our time. He ended up blindly rushing us into wars and picking fights wherever he could, damn the consequences. Luckily, we did soon learn that Elgek had a great knack for diplomacy. When enraged foreign diplomats came barging in and demanding answers for his actions, Elgek always knew exactly what to say and how to steer the conversation in his favor. It was hard to stay mad at such a charismatic personality after having a chat with him, and he managed to get the clan out of facing the worst possible consequences many times. Since his passing, the clan has tried to adopt his style of diplomacy going forward.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

Life Under The Blue SkyThough still a hostile place with our former captors and adventurers still lurking, Escann is a much more pleasant place to live than the Serpentspine, with its lush forests and serene lakes. Here, we need not fight over any source of food or water for there is plenty for all.\n\n With this bounty has come changes among the clans. The ancient traditions celebrated in the darkness of the caves are now festivals in the sunlight and under the shadow of ancient ruined temples consecrated to the many gods of mankind. In this beautiful place, we gblins can create something better than our ancient homeland. Perhaps we found a home at last.
-2 National Unrest

Looting For KnowledgeEscann is not only rich in food and resources, but also knowledge. Among the old human ruins are books, scrolls and all manner of written stuffs that survived the desolation brought by the Dookanson. All as valuable as any other loot.\n\n However, these texts are written in a language unlike the crude tongue of the Dwarves we came to grudgingly learn. If we are to make use of this treasure we must decipher this language. Fortunately, we goblins are equally cunning and intelligent. To learn this “common” script, we will capture those adventurers who can and force them to teach us the language of humanity, and learn from the knowledge left by those who inhabited these beautiful lands before us
-5% Idea Cost
-3% Technology Cost

The NaegubWith the progressive modernisation of the clans, a new social class is emerging, created by those goblins who are considered within the clan to be the most astute and have the best manners, as well as having managed to adapt more quickly to the language of humanity than their congeners. They are the Naegub.\n\n Ranging from merchants to negotiators and even diplomats, they act as the link between the clan and the realms of the other civilised races. They are involved in every transaction and negotiation, be they commercial or political, always wringing the most they can for the clan (and themselves). As such, it is a role of great power. Something that garners immense respect, and envy, within the clan.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Days of the Speed DemonsTowards the later years of the Greentide, our sense of identity as a people and the culture of our clan truly began to develop. A wave of fanaticism swept across our clan, which took the art of riding beyond the battlefield and into the hands of the average goblin. No longer was a mount restricted to the rich goblin; instead, all could afford to buy a riding dog, and that they did. Mounted dog races became the most popular and common sport in our lands. Many goblin clothiers began expanding their work to include fashion for dog mounts. One could not go anywhere within our domain and not see a goblin without his ride; the two were inseparable! Joined at the hip! To be a goblin of the Flying Hound clan was to be a goblin and your dog mount. This came full circle, as it was clear that most goblins within our society wouldn't do anything without a mount, and most recruits refused to even go into battle while on foot.
+25% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
+10% Movement Speed

+10% Global Trade Power