Ancardian Ideas

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-10% Land Maintenance Modifier
+1 Land Leader Fire

Ancardian DrillDeveloped and perfected by the Warriors of Ancard during the Greentide, the Ancardian drill relies on simple yet effective motions to maximise reload and fire rates: perfect for gunning down hordes of greenskins.
+15% Army Drill Gain Modifier
+10% Land Fire Damage

Successors of Ancard's LegacyAncard was a legendary warrior that served under the ancient Kingdom of Carneter who famously led a heroic defense against the invading Lorentish forces in 605 AA to cover the Carneterian retreat. It is said that Ancard single-handedly held a critical bridge for over a week before falling.
+5% Discipline

Honour in Battle and Governance"Honour in battle and governance" was the motto of the Ancardian state since its founding in 1575. During their time as marcher lords, the Warriors of Ancard built a considerable reputation as trustworthy warriors, who even earned the respect of their orcish foes, and sought to instill liberty and freedom in Escann - just as Corin dreamed.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Escanni Academy of WarFounded in 1630, the Ancardi War School (later renamed to the Escanni Academy of War in 1718), became the foremost military academy in all of Cannor. The academy's founding members were descended from the Escanni Knights of the Sapphire Eye, who in feudal Escann safeguarded the realm and fought as champions for their country to settle disputes rather than war.\n\nIt is said that contemporary chivalry in the early modern battlefield, such as the ransomless release of prisoners of war after hostilities ended.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
+5% Military Technology Cost

The Military Family ActWar and martial strength has always been the backbone of Ancardia.\n\nIn 1658 the Ancardian state enacted 'The Military Family Act' which required all eligible members of the household to serve and train in the army. Entire battalions were formed of neighbourhoods and districts, and a culture of camaraderie united first the military, and then the nation.
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

Army Retirement PackageIn Ancardia all former members of the army are entitled to a generous retirement package which is determined by their service record. A poorly performing retiree could use their savings to open a shop subsidized by the state, whereas a decorated veteran could earn estates and land that they can take care of on behalf of the nation.
-10% Development Cost

March of the 5th Legion of ValourThe 5th Legion of Valour made a name for itself during the Fifth Blackpowder War where they withstood the harassment of an infamous corps of mechanim hunter-killers as they covered the retreat of the Coalition Army.
-15% Fire Damage Received

+1 Military Free Policies