Aranmasser Ideas

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-10% Fort Maintenance
+10% Mercenary Manpower

Game of TitlesHistorically, the feudal succession system has worked well for Aranmas, allowing it to inherit the area of Teagansfield after Crodam was annexed by Arbaran and the region had become independent, greatly expanding the realm in the 1300s. Elves and even half-elves are treated favorably, and families recognize the prestige and nobility that comes from elven blood. As such, elves are treated as highly sought-after bachelors, and many try to marry off their children to elves from other realms for political gain.
+5% Discipline
+50% Chance of New Heir

The Great GateOriginally developed as a series of watch towers and fortifications, the Ainway Toll was enforced mostly through threat and diplomatic negotiations, yet much of that changed with the development of the Ainway Gate by the local gnomish population. This massive water gate which often lies open may be closed at any point by the river guards if a boat refuses to pay the toll, in turn creating massive congestion of ships earning the boat both the ire of Aranmas and fellow traders, forcing them to pay the toll whatever it may be. By the count's command, this can also be used to completely shut off supplies from flowing downriver as a threat.
+10% Trade Steering

Convergence PointThe Ainway not only provides Aranmas with a steady supply of tolls and trades, but also with a constant flow of people, especially Esmarians. It is so that when the Ravelian Society first began and started to grow in Esmaria that the barges became a common meeting ground for ideas and debates as they worked their way down the river. This spread of Ravelian ideas culminated in Aranmas, with a state-sponsored lodge being founded in the city. Aranmas would go on to become a major Ravelian Church center in the 17th century, with many of those who wound up stopping by the city attending some Ravelian event or other.
-10% Idea Cost
+0.5 Yearly Rectorate Influence

Key of the CrownshieldsComposing of the Damescrown and surrounding regions, Aranmas is often considered the 'Key' to the Bay of Crowns and the area's continued prosperity. The Key on Aranmas’ flag represents this, following the Aranmas family motto, “Even the greatest vault may be opened with a key“ in reference to the family's ability to find wealth in any situation.
+15% Trade Efficiency

The Ainway TreatySigned by Damescrown, Aranmas, and Arbaran, this treaty details the proper running of the Crownshields in the event of war breaking out between any of the member parties. Centered around the Ainway, the treaty discusses Calascandar's reliance on the Ainway remaining open for supplies along with Damescrown being able to profit too as long as they sustain peace. In the case of war between any two members, they must agree to keep the Ainway open unless any other two members agree to close it.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Teagan's SpiritTeagan, the namesake of Teagansfield, originated as a lowborn. He would go on to become a peasant leader and folk hero, uniting the province through his motivational speeches and charismatic voice. He notably aided the Free Realms in setting Arbaran as the Campground of the Free Realms. It was through his fighting and aid in the War of the Sorcerer-King that he would be elevated to nobility in the Treaty of Anbenncóst, and the disputed county that would become Teagansfield given to him.\n\nEven after his death, the idea that a lowborn could achieve nobility through fighting and his words inspired residents of Teagansfield to join local militias and eventually, the military of the Empire of Anbennar. These soldiers, proud to be from Teagansfield, the land of Teagan, were eager to prove their worth on the battlefield.
+15% Manpower Recovery Speed

Aranmas School of Treatises and LinguisticsAmongst Crownsmen and their inclination towards multilingualism and scholarly pursuits, Aranmas certainly excels, especially in regard to the combination of the two. With other races often finding themselves meandering about as they stop for the toll, knowing several languages has become commonplace amongst merchants and common man alike. It is no surprise then that Aranmas was one of the first to found an official school of treatises and linguistics, where diplomats can not only practice and study contracts, but in several languages at that.
+20% Improve Relations

+1 Possible Policies