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Primary Culture

+10% Production Efficiency
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

Discover that Oceans are Not ScaryIn daring move by matriarch, Trollkind discovered oceans are not dangerous by jumping in water. Trollkind thought oceans were deadly because Giant ancestors drowned because of bad dragons. Now Trollkind know big water not bad, and matriarch smart and good leader.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Bolster the Mountain HoldsMountain caves attacked by bad humans recently. Other day good idea from Bhagrat, put big stones around cave entrance like old Giant fortress. Humans have trouble getting in Troll cave now.
+15% Fort Defence

Crush the Puny HumansObrtrol has many puny human slaves that Troll treat too well. Humans don't appreciate our hospitality. Troll matriarch made new Law Stones to beat bad slaves with if they misbehave.
-2 National Unrest

Reconsider Inferiority of Human IdeasTrollkind decide that humans dumb, but some of their ideas not bad. With this decision Trollkind adopt strange new things from humankind that we can use against them.
-10% Idea Cost

Mammoth-Driven ArtilleryWith new things from humans Trollkind came up with good idea, better than humans'. Trollkind drive big boom devices with mammoths to take down pesky human walls.
+10% Siege Ability

Refine Troll Elite CultureDumb humans laugh at glorious Trollkind culture. Troll culture is far superior to theirs, for Trolls have good fashion and cuisine, like mammoth fur hides and roast human. Maybe is time for Trolls to wear human clothing, at least the ones with the shiny objects on them, and the furry ones.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Human Diet Good for Troll SkinWhen Trollkind conquer human lands, we find new interesting foods. Meat is the best, but humans grow strange plants that taste yummy too. Brightest minds of Troll society discovered that eating a balanced diet leads to good healthy Trolls, and good healthy Trolls are good at smashing humans.
+10% Morale of Armies

+5% Discipline


