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Primary Culture

-20% Cost to fabricate claims
+20% Foreign Spy Detection

The League of YanszinThe League of Yanszin is an organization of the five city-states at the heart of the region: Yanzhong, Guhe, Yangcheng, Anjiang and Yingzhen. Founded in 276 AA, they are bound together for defense against the surrounding warlords.\n\nOther Yansheni nations do not greatly trust them, yet they always seem to manage to get great deals. They have always gotten themselves out of difficult situations, pulling strings behind the scenes to bring about peace with minimal losses or even gains. Most famously, they would play a central role in the conspiracy that led to the murder of Jaher.
+33% Spy Network Construction

The Fifth DistrictThe City of Shadows is home to those of dark intent and even darker deeds. Assassins, sages, poisoners, geomancers, torturers, mystics all live alongside our ruling eunuchs in the Fifth District. We will find ample assistance here for our intrigue and skulduggery.
-10% Advisor Cost

Luzhang BaotoBuilt in 1202 AA as a symbol of peace between various warlords of Yanshen, the Luzhang Baota is a monolith of carved stone and vivid lunar frescos. The spirits of the fallen Yan who resisted Jaher's conquest are said to be interred within the enormous pagoda.
+25% Improve Relations

The Silver MastersExiled eunuchs from Jinqiu, our Silver Masters are every bit as capable and conniving as the other city states in the Heart of Yanshen. They bring new ideas into this placid corner of the Yanhe, ready to overthrow the status quo.
-10% Idea Cost

Lunar FestivalThe Yingzhen Lunar Festival is a fixture of Yan culture, held once every decade. Marching bands and colourful banners parade the streets, while vendors sell sweet rice cakes and fried river frogs, hawkers offer charm beads and prayer amulets, and theatre troupes re-enact the glorious Twin River Ambush. The week-long festival ends with a ceremony by the Luzhang monks, who pay respects to the fallen Yan with a tremendous fireworks display.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Knives in the DarkThe Fifth District has become the black jewel of our city. The vials and tinctures of our poisoners are sought from lands as distant as Bulwar, and the deeds of our assassins have become whispered legend in Rahen.\n\nNowhere else in Yanshen are men and women of dark intent given such freedom and safety, and they defend Yingzhen in the only way they know how - with knives in the dark.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

The Luzhang OrderThe monks of the Luzhang Baota once ruled this city, before the Silver Masters reduced them to mere figureheads. We control the Order, and we can take advantage of the stream of naive pilgrims entering their service. Serving in our armies to protect Yingzhen and the Luzhang Baota will soon become their higher calling.
-25% Reinforce Cost


