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Primary Culture

+1 Diplomatic Relations
+15% National Manpower Modifier

Fortress of SurakelAzka-szel-Azka, the Citadel-Of-Citadels. It is of the oldest and most venerable strongholds in all of Bulwar, rivalled but never surpassed. During The Onslaught in the 12th century BA, it provided safety to a majority of the Bahari people from the deep devils, until the fiends managed to sneak in through the sewers and culled the entire population. During the gnollish invasion of Bulwar, it was the last free bastion in which the cult of Surakel could still be publicly practiced. Although much of it is ruined now, it still stands as the most formidable fortress in Bahar besides Ovdal Tûngr.
+15% Fort Defence

Say What You Will, I Am Free.'Say what you will, I am free' was a common saying in the republic of Re-Uyel, referring to their love of freedom, even if it meant sacrificing on other fronts. It became especially popular after the Decades of Devastation, in which the elective monarchy was overthrown by a rebellion led by both human and elven lower nobility, and a republic proclaimed, banning indentured servitude and opening up politics to all, regardless of religion or status.
+10% Morale of Armies

Edge of BulwarRe-Uyel sits at the edge of Bulwar, and as such has always been far away from the prying eyes of both the high priests of Bulwar and the inquisitorial college of Irrliam. Followers of the Jadd, Old Sun Cult secret societies, Regent Court exiles and many refugees and less savory individuals find a warm welcome in Re-Uyel, leading to a great intermingling of ideas and theology.
-10% Institution Embracement Cost
+2 Tolerance of Heretics

A Republic of OfficersStarting in 1413, Bahar was hit by a spell of dryness commonly referred to as the Years of Dryness, a 6-year period of drought in Bahar which caused mass crop failures across the region. Many peasants suffered from famine and were forced into crime and banditry, or indentured servitude to the nobility for survival. The lowborn largely saw this as a betrayal of the New Sun Cult, which forbade slavery. On top of this, King Kalinael's early death led to a succession war between Re-Uyel's nobility and the king of Baharkand, pressing his queen's claim, leading to increased war taxes and conscription.\n\nThese hardships culminated in a revolt by the lower classes along with the lower nobility, both humans and elves, leading to the proclamation of a noble republic lead by these young enthusiastic officers, a pattern that is continued still. Any man in Re-Uyel knows he has a chance for greatness by rising through the ranks of our military.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
+10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium

Re-Uyeli FreebootersRe-Uyel is located in a central position of the Eastern Divenhal sea, a perfect position to control the trade routes, as well as plunder them. Our galleys have patrolled and pillaged these routes since the days of Jaher, when he was rumored to have directly supported the efforts of the Re-Uyeli navy (then more disorganized rabble rather than an actual fleet) in raiding the Bahari Divenhal, which was at the time dominated mostly by Ovdal Tûngr.\n\nThis unofficial agreement eventually lead to the Re-Uyel navy providing a majority of the blockade during the Copper Enclosure, up until the end of the blockade after Jexis's death in 1162. Although our privateering activities have ceased since then, the experience and skill our navies gained amidst that conflict are still with us today.
+15% Galley Combat Ability

Diverse NeighborsHumans, Goblins, Dwarves, and Elves. The countries surrounding Re-Uyel are as diverse as its people are. Our republic was almost destroyed when the Dwarves of Ovdal Tûngr supported the Crathánori rebellion against us in 1421, but the goblin invasion forced them to deal with the goblins instead of us. We have learnt that pitting our enemies against each other is key to our survival.
+20% Spy Network Construction

AzkapašAzkapaš, meaning citadel purple in the Sun Elf language, is a purple-reddish fortified wine famous throughout Bulwar and beyond for its deep red color and rich flavor, achieved by using sun dried grapes grown on terraces surrounding Azka-szel-Azka, a method of production said to have already been in use since the age of God Kings. It pairs excellently with cheese, desserts and nuts, and as such is a favorite among the upper classes, with many a conflict settled with a good hunt and an evening of drinking our fortified wine.
+20% Improve Relations


