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Primary Culture

+1 Attrition for Enemies
-20% Infantry Cost

Shared DreamLong ago, before orcs or even elves settled in Deepwoods, these fey forests covered half of Cannor and were home to a wide variety of magical creatures, including centaurs. The ancient human king Castan II Beastbane destroyed a significant portion of the Feywoods, leaving only the Deepwoods as a small remnant of former glory. But humanity's greatest sin was burning the World Tree to ashes. The goal of the Emerald Orcs is simple - become a weapon of vengeance for fey-kind, take these lands back and clear them of human conquerors.
-5% Idea Cost

Wrath of NatureFor many centuries Fey were persecuted by humans. They lost their lands and many were killed or exiled. While most of the Fey did not care, preferring to live in a never-ending cycle of feasts and holidays, a small faction of fey still remembered how humans humiliated and insulted them.\n\nThis faction of Fey called themselves the Ashentree Pact, named after the World Ashentree. These Fey hoped that Wood Elves, who were lured into these woods around 1000 AA could be used for their goals, but the Wood Elves turned out to be resistant to their magic and weren't interested in war with humans. Disappointed, the Ashentree Pact decided to wait for another chance, finally seeing their opportunity in the orcs which recently invaded the Deepwoods. With enhancements from fey magic orcs could be unbeatable in battle.
+10% Shock Damage

Legacy of the GreentideDuring the Greentide a great number of orcish clans invaded the Deepwoods. Some of them were quite well-known among orcdom and had proven their worth during the Greentide. The Cursed Howl Clan were lead by one of the most renowned orcish warlords, Gordak. His clan sacked Bladekeep and the dreadful howls they performed during the pillage had given them their name. The Blackmoon Clan on the other side was famous for their battle shamans, who unleashed their magical power on the armies of humans and dwarves. The Silentblade Clan was considered somewhat dishonorable by other orcs, but they excelled in guerrilla combat, using ambushes to defeat their foes. And all of them are now part of the Emerald Horde, which now benefits greatly from their experience.
+1 Yearly Army Tradition

Loyal to our QueenThe Emerald Horde is lead by the Warchief and his Queen. The Queen is always a Fey which has agreed to enter into marriage with a mortal orc and share part of her power with him, giving him incredible magical potency. They can not do so normally, but Emerald Orcs have consumed water from the Feyrealm and are attuned to fey magic and influence.
+10% Morale of Armies

Fey CourtiersFey may be not be useful when it comes to the clash of armies, but they can give us a good hand in administrating land conquered by the Emerald Horde. While they might be chaotic and absent-minded, their abilities as advisors are impressive.
-10% Advisor Cost

Warlock KingsEmerald Orcs exchanged their free will for fey power, granting us a bevy of benefits. Aside from skin changes, we've become attuned to nature and many of us are capable of becoming powerful druids and rangers. But warlocks of powerful fey are the true elite of Emerald Horde society. They are the only ones who can become the leaders and rulers of the Horde, making them the first Witch-Kings in the modern era.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Defenders of Tugund-DarakhFor many years, the High Warlocks of Tugund-Darakh, the land of a Thousand Trees, have enhanced their people with magic and artifacts from the Feyrealm. Their skin is now as hard as bark and provides great defence from regular weapons and firearms, while the inherent orcish strength was pushed even further, making them as strong as ogres. All these gifts were given to help orcs crush the human and orc realms in Cannor and plant a new Deepwoods in their place. It is our desire that the World Tree may be revived and, hopefully, emerald orcs will be accepted as full-fledged fey and be allowed to enter the Feyrealm, the Plane of Life and Magic, where fey hold their eternal feasts.
+15% Infantry Combat Ability


