Gor Burad

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Gor Burad

Primary Culture

-20% Stability Cost Modifier
-20% Unjustified Demands

Ghelebûr KrakdhûmGhelebûr Krakdhûm, or the Fireglass Forge, is both the heart of the hold and its industrial complex. Using the volcano's lava, it produces great obsidian artworks and large quantities of alluring, darkened glassware. While the Hold of Orlghelovar produces its fragile blue glass, we make glass as sturdy and dark as Gor Bûrad itself. But the precious obsidian is not the only boon the forge provides. Basalt, the natural byproduct of lava, makes for an unmatched building material, and stones from our forge helped lay the foundation of holds and tunnels alike.
-5% Development Cost
+1 Yearly Prestige

Heart of FireThe fires of Gor Bûrad reside in all of its native Basalt dwarves. Every dwarf born of this hold has a burning rage inside them that serves them well on the battlefield. The infamous berserker rage of Gor Bûrad warriors is equally as feared as it is infamous, and only the most disciplined of opponents can withstand the roaring fury of a Basalt warcry, echoing throughout the tunnels of the Serpentspine. Though, much like the lava of their home, it is said that the further a Basalt Dwarf is from home, the more tempered and cool their rages become.
+15% Shock Damage

The Blackened HallsThe dark basalt halls of Gor Bûrad make for some of the most intimidating architecture of the Dwarovar. The mighty volcano that forms the molten core of the hold creates an oppressively hot climate, making the already dark interior seem scorched and blackened from fire. All those not accustomed to the harsh and moody environment must beware of the heat from the raging volcano and its equally fiery inhabitants.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

BorbordûzBorbordûz, the Fire Duel, is an ancient tradition of Gor Bûrad. A battle fought atop platforms precariously suspended above the infamous Gor Bûrad lava lake, it is commonly used to settle disputes and to vent their seething rage. The intense heat from the molten rock below, combined with the volcanic gases make the bouts a grueling test of both prowess and endurance. It's not uncommon for the combatants to either collapse from exhaustion or eventually lose their footing and fall into the lava below. However this is still considered preferable to yielding.
-2 National Unrest

The Great AngerThe Basalt Dwarves have always been known to have a fiery temper, but it was not always as fuming and furious. During a great eruption of the Firetop Mountain, the dwarves of Gor Bûrad desperately called the other holds of the Aul-Dwarov for help. Their pleas for help were met only with silence, and the hold suffered the most devastating famine in its entire history. As the Basalt Dwarves were forced to witness their loved ones wither away from hunger, the very fires of the Firetop Mountain ignited inside of their being. This utter betrayal has never been forgotten, and will never be forgiven, as will the lesson learned. The only dwarf you can rely on is yourself and your kin.
+20% Manpower in Primary Culture provinces

Basalt PrideWhen the orcish hordes poured out from the Arg Tunad tunnel, Gor Bûrad was one of the first Holds under immediate threat. They managed to mobilize a defense swifter than any other hold, and then they held. With pure white-hot rage and unmatched stubbornness, they held. For longer than all of the northern Serpentspine holds combined, they held. It would take an eruption from the very Firetop Mountain itself to break the defense of the Basalt Dwarves. And even in the face of total annihilation, they fought to the last drop of dwarven blood. It is a common saying that "The mountain broke before the dwarves did."
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

The Armory of Gor BûradGor Bûrad has always possessed one of the largest arsenals of weapons in the Serpentreach, something that most Basalt Dwarves are proud to point out. Every dwarf in the hold is armed and maintains their own selection of weapons, negating the need for a centralized armory. A popular wives' tale goes that an emissary from Arg-Ôrdstun arrived in Gor Bûrad for the first time when he dismissively asked to see the 'famous armory' of Gor Bûrad. "Surely such an impressive arsenal requires an equally as impressive armory." whereby the King of Gor Bûrad gestured around the entire hold around him and simply remarked. "You're standing in it."
-10% Regiment Costs

+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition


