Shattered Crown

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Shattered Crown

Primary Culture

+10% Morale of Armies
+15% Manpower Recovery Speed

A Return to AmldihrWhile our kin grew tired of pillaging the Dwarovar and followed Korgus and Brasur to the surface, we turned back to the old dwarven capital. Our ancestors only sought to devastate their empire, but we will forge our own realm in their ashes. Our chieftains have desperately fought to eliminate infighting, and tried to take control over all of Amldihr, yet ambitious orcs have managed to take over entire sections, scattering our people.\n\nThe constant struggles caused many chieftains to fall when trying to claim the reaches of the hold, but our grasp on the core has only strengthened.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

Edict Of ExpansionWith the dwarves returning to our corner of the Serpentspine, this time not as degenerate kingdoms but as militaristic adventurers, a sense of urgency to claim surrounding lands came over the orcs of our clan. It reinvigorated a long lost sense of unity which allowed for an outward gaze. The united orcs began allocating resources to the swift unification of Amldihr and the surrounding areas, causing a rush for the beyond with this Edict of Expansion.\n\nAs the Dwarves have already fallen, they have forfeited their rights for the lands under the mountains. For millennia our ancestors have lived in the Dwarovar, making us the true rulers, and adventurers; nothing but pathetic pretenders.
+1 Colonists

Keepers of the Kronium CrownThe bare kronium crown of the dwarves was passed through hundreds of clans of orcs and eventually fell into the hands of Shattered Crown. While in a war to usurp leadership of a minor clan, we discovered they possessed the crown under a pile of loot. Once one of the warriors took hold of it, he saw a vision in which the dwarves had reclaimed their lands and the orcs were repelled.\n\nParanoia and obsession consumed him as he and his clan travelled across the Dwarovar, trying to unite the orcs to consolidate into a large force which would rule the Dwarovar under the Shattered Crown, vowing to never leave their destined demesne.
+0.5 Yearly Devotion
+0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.5 Yearly Prestige
+0.15 Yearly Republican Tradition

Learning from the EnemyIn the ruins of Amldihr, many old records were found of dwarven history, laws and the art of their runecrafting. To most orcs this information was worth much less than material wealth and weapons, but to a few, it was knowledge that could lead their tribe to thrive. Before settling, they studied the various texts, learning from the dwarves of old, scattered across the ruins. But with so little records left, their research only led to the decipherment of the dwarven language and a few smithing inventions.\n\nHowever with the abundance of records across all of the sections of Amldihr, it let them study the past of the dwarves and lead to a better understanding of the depths of the now ruined holds, their intricate laws and the advanced weaponry they once possessed. The knowledge was passed to the clan chieftain to further their expansion in Amldihr, and to further advance their tribe into an Empire that would surpass the dwarves and make themselves the strongest power in the Dwarovar.
+15% Reform Progress Growth

Plunder ReformsThe plunder of the countless battles fought had been a major source of income for all Black Orc societies. Yet most of it ended up in the hands of the individual looters and their captains, as the clans valued the individual freedoms of the strongest.\n\nIt all changed when a series of reforms were introduced shortly after settling Amldihr, creating and enforcing a system in which loot trickles up through the ranks, soldiers giving half their loot to their lieutenant, who gave half his loot to the general, who in turn gave half his loot to the chieftain.
+20% Available Loot
+50% Looting Speed

Brewing MishapsIn the ruins of the Amlharaz, many ruined brewing contraptions and old barrels of alcohol lay hidden in collapsed areas of the hold. Many were carved with intricate dwarven designs but there were also some in much cruder containers, seemingly being orc made. A number of orcs tasted the dark brews which caused them intense pain, even killing some, leading to it being spilled over the ground and onto some old rusted weapons.\n\nWith much fizzing and bubbling, it was revealed to them that it stripped the rust off these weapons and etched gold and red designs into the old runes adorning the metals. Learning this technique, the armoury of the Shattered crown expanded, as well as the reproduction of the brews found in the ruins.
-10% Land Maintenance Modifier

Kol DoukangMany great halls lay all across the Dwarovar, but none as grand as the great assembly hall of the Amlharaz. The ceiling reached what seemed like miles above and the great table was able to seat the leaders of every dwarf hold and even more. Now, copious amounts of loot decorated the table, clan banners used as status symbols dominated the pillars, replacing the old dwarven ones which were woven into clothing.\n\nThe Shattered Crown called it the "Kol Doukang" or the "Hall of War", a hall to discuss their new targets of raiding and to celebrate successful ones with feasts. The once deeply respected hall became a bloodstained den for war and carousing, intentionally disrespecting the pride of the former inhabitants of their new home.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation


