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Primary Culture

-10% Regiment Costs
+15% National Tax Modifier

A Hardy Land, A Hardy PeopleThe western side of the island known to outsiders as Alecand is not an easy place to live. While the mountains shield us from most of the worst of the death winds, meaning we do not have to suffer the way those in the east do, our soil is still barren and rocky. However, this has taught us one thing: only the strongest and most resourceful survive, so in our raids against the easterners and each other, we will make sure we exploit the land to the fullest.
+10% Reinforce Speed

Cyclopean MasonryOur forts are not constructed in the style typical to elsewhere; since we do not have easy means to shear rock or make mortar ourselves, we have learned to solve the puzzle of the boulders directly. In other words, our walls are made from boulders carefully stacked together to pack tightly even without extra reinforcement. This makes our architecture not only imposing, but surprisingly sturdy.
-10% Construction Time
-10% Fort Maintenance

Masters of BronzeOn our island, the only sources of iron are within the territories of the easterners' cities. This has meant we lack a proper ironworking tradition. What we do have, however, is copper, and lots of it. From this we can forge bronze, and thanks to our long tradition of working with it as well as having to make sure it can compete with eastern metallurgic developments, means our bronze is stronger than any one might find elsewhere.
-10% Fire Damage Received

Ghílti KanvrenuSince time immemorial our people have gotten together to compete against each other in brotherhood. When we weren't raiding each other before unification, we would come together in great festivals to show off our martial prowess to each other. It has been suggested that we formalize these festivals, known as the Ghílti Kanvrenu in our language, and hold one every year so that our greatest warriors and strategists can be shown off for all to see.
-25% Military Advisor Cost

Crowning the First RieiIt was a solemn affair. The greatest generals and nobles of our nation were lined up in the best finery. Our priests practiced their holiest rites. And at the center of it all, our chieftain. But as the crown fell on their head, they were no longer just a mere chieftain: they were now the first king, Riei, of all the Eltikani people.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

The Holy MountainRigòti, the greatest peak on our island. Our holy protector from the winds of death. So ubiquitous and quintessential to everyone's way of life, the easterners simply call it Meteí, ‘The Mountain', for it needs no other name. For eons our people have climbed this mountain to seek holy wisdom and enlightenment from its embrace. At the urging of our priests, we will establish waystations along the disparate paths up its cliffs and valleys to ensure all of our people who wish to may glimpse even a fragment of the divine.
+10% Clergy Loyalty Equilibrium
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Code TalkersAs we have begun to engage in contact with the outside world, we have started to realize something: nobody else speaks quite like we do. Even those from the eastern shores have extreme difficulty understanding our sentences. While this does mean many foreign diplomats dread being assigned to our court and having to master our way of speaking, the same also applies to their spies, making it easier for us to make sure that things we want to be secret, stay secret.
+20% Foreign Spy Detection

+15% Cavalry Combat Ability


