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Primary Culture

+1 Colonists
+10% Production Efficiency

The Axehead GulfEmpkeios's early settlers chose well when deciding on the location to settle. Sitting at the place where the great Agotham river meets the sea, the calm and protected waters of the Axehead Gulf proved invaluable to the merchants and sailors of Empkeios. The entire gulf was effectively a massive natural harbor, perfect for the large amount of goods that entered and exited the growing city.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Cleaved Sea GalleycraftThe Cleaved Sea has always been important to our people. Its beautiful waters were the only thing other than our cities that would remain untouched by the winds of the Kaydhano and it provides the quickest way to move between settlements. Due to its essential role we have continuously sought to improve the vessels which we use to navigate it.
-10% Galley Cost
+10% Galley Combat Ability

Foundation of the NékheisWhen the Kheions of Alecand outgrew their wind-warded walls, they looked beyond the storm-ravaged island for expansion opportunities. They founded our ‘New Cities' – nékheis, to both enrich themselves and to keep those riches out of the hands of their rivals. We are the children of the nékheis, and we shall come to hold these riches ourselves.
+15 Global Settler Increase
-1 National Unrest

The Port of ChainsBeing able to quickly send expeditions both against the barbarians in the mountains as well as those that roam the plains, Empkeios is in the perfect position to act as a center of the local slave trade, and a significant part of our economy depends on it. This position was only cemented further with the 1609 Edict of Freedom, a general agreement between the great kheions to no longer allow those considered as citizens to fall into slavery, which led to an immense increase in demand for slaves coming from Devand. By the 1700s, Empkeios had become the largest market for slaves in South Aelantir, surpassing their rivals in Ormam.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Long Contract PeriodsEarly on, Empkeios had to mobilize its settlers to defend the city in times of war. However, as the wealth of the city grew on the back of the slave trade, this was no longer necessary. It became normal for Empkeios to fight its wars and protect its colonists with foreign mercenaries. And mercenaries came to the city in droves, for the city had a reputation of long, stable contract periods that were mutually beneficial to both the mercenaries and the city.
-20% Mercenary Maintenance

Andic Merchant FleetsBeyond the Chendhya our explorers found the Taychendi, a civilized yet backwards people living in bountiful lands. Ever resourceful, the merchants of our cities saw a golden opportunity. With sponsorship from the State, raised the largest mercantile fleets that Kheionai history had ever recorded and sailed them past the Andic Reach to profit from the wealthy trade.
+10% Ship Tradepower Propagation

The Vanburian InvasionIn the mid 18th century a massive kaydhano swept the kheions of Alecand, cutting off the nékheis from their parent cities. In the chaos and confusion, the Vanbury Guild seized the chance to grab a foothold in the Devand and invaded Empkeios. The Mercenaries hired by Empkeios fled from the Cannorians, and those who stood their ground were slaughtered by Vanburian soldiers with technologically advanced artificer weaponry. When they reached the walls of the city, Empkeios refused to surrender and mobilized the citizenry for the first time in centuries. What ensued was a grueling 2 year long siege, that ended with the burning of its great port, the destruction of a third of the city, and the loss of Empkeios's sovereignty. But the Vanbury guild suffered massive losses, and spent far more resources on the invasion than they had initially planned, and all they had to show for it was the conquest of a now partially ruined city. Many question if the victory was even worth the price.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

-8% Technology Cost


