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Primary Culture

+2 Possible Advisors
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

World ShapersWithin the Boek tribes there are a scarce few who are born with a unique ability to see and shape the world to their wishes, they are known as the world-shapers. Whilst these individuals are born into the other tribes of the Boek they are infrequent with the exclusion of the Tehan tribe where they organize into a council along with other shamans from out tribe, who advise our ruler on all things, ensuring the prosperity of our tribe.
-10% Advisor Cost

The Colour of SpaceThe Hohldihla, or Dance of Dreams, is a common practice amongst the shamans of the Boek, through a combination of herbs, mixed into water and inhaled our Shaman are able to enter a state disconnected from their body, and freely travel through the truths of our realm. A varied combination of herbs can allow for a stronger Dance, allowing deeper insights, although this comes at great risk to the shaman's health.\n\nWhile there are many tales of Hohldihla and the oddities encountered on such quests, none can compare to the that of Ele'il. Using a rare purple grass that only grows on the eastern banks of the near the lands of the Inek Ele'il brewed a concoction he hoped would reveal to him the greatest secrets of the world and embarked upon a Hohldihla. Ele'il spoke of his journey after his return, claiming to have visited a realm far beyond our own, where he saw a being named The Colour of Space, he gave no explanation as to where this name came from, or what it meant. Over the following months Ele'il became increasingly obsessed with a colour similar to that of the grass he had used for his Hohldihla painting anything he could find, his hut, his clothes, even his own skin, all painted that uncomfortable purple-pink, claiming it gave him deeper insights on his quests. A practice that spread to other shamans in our tribe and is maintained to this day.
-10% Idea Cost

The WardanceThe braves of the tribes are known for their bravery and ferocity, and many within the Boek tribes train from a young age, aspiring to be a brave when they grow. The braves of the Tehanek have a grace and endurance to them not seen in the other tribes, evidenced by the wardance ritual. During the winter months all the braves of our tribe must gather around the great fire, lit by our chief, and made of the same trees used to make our totems. Our braves then compete to see who can dance for the longest in order to prove themselves. Competition can be extremely fierce with some braves dancing for hours without taking a break.
+15% Movement Speed

Fury of the FallenBefore the arrival of the sea demons we were one of the most peaceful tribes of the Boek, content to study the world and coexist with the other tribes our braves rarely saw battle. But once we heard news of the sea demons and their attempt to exterminate the Boek something awoke in a select few of our braves, they gained great powers, similar to those possessed by our shamans but focused on destruction, fuelled by the fury of our fallen ancestors. These braves came to be known as the heaven's fury and thanks to their great prowess we were, with the assistance of tribes from across the seas, able to push the demons out of our lands and back to the very sea that spawned them.
+0.15 Infantry Shock

Fire CornThe most common crops amongst the tribes of the Boek are those of the three sisters, squash, corn and beans. Using corn harvested from their fields Tehanek made what is known as "fire corn", throwing corn into a fire the corn would cause the kernels to quickly dry and pop off the cob and out of the fire, where it must be caught and finally eaten. Fire corn proved very popular with the Cannorian settlers, who brought many ingredients that could be added, whether sweet or savoury and they were keen to trade these ingredients with our tribespeople, in exchange for knowledge on how to make fire corn, and other foods made from three sisters crops.
+10% Trade Efficiency

The Hewehr'ittaroHe dropped down from the trees and inspected the campsite. The campfire was still warm, they'd been here not long ago, less than a few hours. He looked around for tracks; they weren't hard to find. They were headed North, towards the tribe, and judging by the stench of gunpowder left in the campsite they didn't have the peaceful intentions.\n\nHe caught up to them but a few hours later. Just as he'd suspected, a party of 20 of them, armed to the teeth headed straight towards Tehanek, they'd reach the tribe before sundown at this pace. Of course they'd not maintain this pace for much longer, or any pace for that matter. He silently dropped from the trees, simultaneously throwing a tomahawk at the nearest soldier and using his magic to ensnare another. The Cannorians were easily panicked, unsure where he was lurking they fired their muskets aimlessly into the bushes.\n\nIt was all over in a matter of minutes. All 20 of them slain, all 20 of them victims of the red eagle, victims of the Hewehr'ittaro.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Sway of the ShamansThe shamans of Tehanek are well known for their persuasion, often being able to sway Cannorian diplomats to agreeing to terms that would otherwise seem disagreeable.\n\nThe greatest example of this was the deal struck with Andrel, a diplomat from Cestirmark sent to our tribe to serve what amounted to an eviction notice. After spending several hours in the shaman's hut Andrel emerged somewhat dazed, and informed his entourage of the bargain he had struck: Cestirmark was to recognize the Tehanek claim to a vast region of the Trollsbay and in exchange? Cestirmark would be granted a wooden flute.\n\nUpon his return Andrel was promptly fired.
-10% Core-Creation Cost

+1 Diplomatic Relations


