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Primary Culture

+20% Provincial Trade Power Modifier
-10% Regiment Costs

Imperial Center of Balgar WorshipWhile the Balgarsmiths tended to the people of Escann, most dwarves in the Empire would look to Silverforge and the religious leaders within for guidance. Hundreds of temples and shrines would be built to Balgar within Silverforge Hall alone. Even as construction on Anvilwright was fully active, many built places of worship for the workers.\n\nWhen Escann was conquered by the Greentide, the only real option for the Balgarsmiths to go to was Silverforge. After some time they built a temple and intermingled with the local religious groups of Silverforge Hall until their departure. During their stay they left a mark on the clergy who are not only grateful for us housing an important group but also took after the Balgarsmiths' example and started working more closely with the government of Silverforge.
+10% Clergy Loyalty Equilibrium
+5% Production Efficiency

Iron as Valuable as SilverIn 462 BA, the ancient Empire of Castanor under Castan the Great shared their discovery of iron reserves in the Havoral Divide and gave us land to mine and refine the metal. Given this opportunity, we did not want to disappoint, with the large abundance of iron in our mountain the steel smiths worked tirelessly to create a steel fit for Castan's heir.\n\nOver the years we have only improved on our technique giving a saying unto us that our steel is worth more than its weight in silver. Suffice to say that many will pay handsomely for our steel.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Green Slavery in SilverforgeAs Silverforge started making extensive open-pit mining operations it became very clear we could not support the workforce necessary for such a large undertaking. That was until Green Orc slaves began coming through the Empire to be sold to the Aelantiri colonies in the west. Sensing opportunity, we bought slaves coming through the Corvuria route to work in our mines.\n\nEventually, Silverforge was making quite a profit from the use of slave labor in the Silverforge Surface Mines, but slavery in the empire would not last and purchasing of slaves was banned. Fortunately, Silverforge evaded scrutiny due to slavery here being based on a system of indentured service and intergenerational debt for the crimes of the orcs against civilization. The crimes, of course, being the atrocities committed against our people during the collapse of Aul-Dwarov and for the destruction done to the former kingdoms of Escann.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Silver Army Engineer CorpsThe Carver Cartel has always had many skilled engineers, and it's thanks to them that our elaborate open-pit mines have been made. As the Carver Cartel became more integrated with the administration, they started training their engineers in the art of siege warfare and field fortifications. After a few decades our army had a robust war engineer corps, most of whom were trained as sappers. With this force taking up a large chunk of our army, any building that stands in our way shall soon fall before us.
+15% Siege Ability

The Voice of Imperial DwarvesAt the end of the Wars of Rule in 1285, we were the only dwarven-led nation inside of the Empire. Due to this fact, we were given one of the electorships to represent the dwarven population inside the Empire, be they Silver Dwarf, Stone Dwarf, or Ruby Dwarf.\n\nIt is our responsibility to be their voice, and we will not fail them.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Silverforge Hall Drinking CompetitionsIt started simple enough: workers coming to Silverforge Hall after working on the Anvilwright hold would drink and chat with other workers before retiring to their sleeping quarters. Fairly quickly, the humans that also used the pubs and inns would foolishly challenge the dwarves to drinking games. No matter what the rules or the stakes, the dwarves would always win. The challenge spread to the Esmari river parties, where humans would line up to challenge the iron gullet of a dwarf. Some dwarves would accept multiple opponents at once to even the odds, with little change to the outcome.\n\nThe true show only really began when orcs challenged dwarves to the competition. Finally, the dwarves had met their match: as of a 1790 AA retrospective, neither of the two races had a considerable win difference between each other — creating a new rivalry based on revelry instead of bloodshed.
-1 National Unrest

Guns of StrongbellowAfter suffering catastrophic losses during the 4th Lilac War, the military of Silverforge was looking for ways to combat cavalry-dominated warfare that the Lorentish and their allies employed. This would soon be answered as, after a few decades of exploration, ancient dwarven weaponry was being discovered with some finding their way outside of the Serpentspine for those with enough coin.\n\nWith these ancient weapons, the task of replicating their design was assigned to Grun Strongbellow. As the head of the project, he worked tirelessly and was able to make an early redesign of a rifle in 1523. It was fairly accurate for the time but would be too expensive for army-wide use. With this limited success, he went on to update the artillery batteries that Silverforge used, keeping them above the curve in comparison to their neighbors.\n\nStrongbellow would die in 1589 of natural causes and would be remembered in Silverforge for his dedication and ingenuity. In 1652, a university was built and named after him dedicated to Gunsmithing and Metallurgy.
-10% Military Technology Cost

+10% Artillery Combat Ability


