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Primary Culture

+33% Blockade Efficiency
-10% Sailor Maintenance

Home of the Imperial FleetSince Anbennar's founding, Neckcliffe has been the primary port of call for the imperial navy due to its natural harbour and strategic position. Imperial naval commanders are almost invariably drawn from our admiralty, while in turn our navy is staffed by an army of imperial veterans.
+25% Naval Force Limit Modifier
+0.25 Yearly Navy Tradition

Regulate the GuildsAs with most cities, Neckcliffe has a number of guilds representing different trades. These mercantile organizations have recently grown unduly powerful, and are stifling innovation in order to turn a greater profit: we must put an end to this.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Damesteeth NavigatorsThough well traveled, the Damesteeth can be a perilous route for those unaccustomed to the numerous islands and rocky outcroppings in the region. Neckcliffe is known to produce numerous skilled navigators whose services are invaluable to any who wish to traverse the region.
+2 Naval Leader Manoeuvre

Throatport CutthroatsSince Neckcliffe is typically the first place travellers by sea reach when entering into Anbennar, it is useful to have a staging area where less... savory goods might be safely offloaded away from the prying eyes of Imperial customs. Throatport is one such place, and is notorious for having the shadiest merchants and the boldest thieves in the realm. Anything can be bought at Throatport... for the right price.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Press GangsAs the premier naval power in Anbennar, we must rely on a vast quantity of sailors to man our ships. While we benefit from skilled veterans of the imperial fleets, sometimes extra hands are needed - let us put the vagabonds, vagrants, and uncooperative to work aboard our vessels.
+15% Sailor Recovery Speed

Naval DiplomatsOur envoys are quite experienced when it comes to traveling along the high seas, and a special squadron of swift vessels has been requisitioned specifically for their use, allowing us to communicate with our deployed vessels and foreign nations more quickly than other nations.
+10% Improve Relations

Hearts of OakWe people of Neckcliffe are very proud of our naval heritage and understand the ways of the sea. We are not so easily cowed by these so called sailors of nations such as Eborthíl or Vertesk. Even so if we are to lose ships in battle, better to scuttle them than to let the enemy get them!
+10% Morale of Navies
-10% Morale Hit When Losing a Ship

+10% Global Trade Power


