Irkorziki Ideas

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+1 Attrition for Enemies
+20% Land Attrition

Survival of the FastestGnolls were built for walking, Irkorziki gnolls especially so. Our leg muscles are shaped by our way of life, whether it be traversing our land's many sand dunes, or outrunning our sluggish Brrtekuh rivals to the north in their bids to control the desert. Walking is our life. If you can't keep up, you'll be left behind.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
+8% Movement Speed

+0.15 Infantry Shock

+20% Trade Efficiency

Trial of the SandsBefore founding our pack in 1443, Pack Mistress Irkorzik was regarded as no different from any other gnoll and lived under a different name. That would change when a terrible sandstorm swept over the caravan she was guarding. When the storm cleared, she found herself alone with the caravan nowhere in sight. Rather than relent to the desert’s oppressive heat, she persisted. For days, the gnoll wandered the desert surviving off what little the land had to offer.\n\nYet even with her iron will, the Salahad would have certainly taken her had our founder not encountered the council of shamans who had been on their own decades-long desert exodus. As if expecting to meet her, they gifted her the name Irkorzik and pledged their support to her, declaring her their leader. The subjugation of the other lesser Windhowler packs that had declared independence in the wake of Viakkoc's collapse soon followed, giving rise to our pack.\n\nThe following years were a prosperous and stable time for our people. As such, before her passing our Pack Mistress made a final decree. Succession of the Irkozik pack would not be decided by bloodline nor bloody infighting, but through proving their strength and skill in the Salahad, and those who succeed would take on the name Irkorzik themselves. In time, our pack would call this the \"Trial of the Sands\".
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Biakata's LegacyWindhowler gnolls have a respect for other races that many of our brethren do not. Years ago, we feuded with the human nomads who wandered the deserts just as we do now for supremacy over the shifting dunes. But ultimately, it was one of these humans, a planetouched woman named Biakata, who led our kind to conquer the Binwarji lands and establish the Second Fangualan Empire. Through Biakata's legacy, we are reminded that strength can come from anywhere; it may not even be a gnoll who guides us in future victories. Thus, we are willing to establish accords with conquered peoples, so they may perhaps one day follow in her footsteps.
-1 National Unrest
+1 Max Promoted Cultures

-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

+15% Infantry Combat Ability

-15% Stability Cost Modifier