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+10 Global Settler Increase
+25% National Sailors Modifier

Knights of the SeaflowerAt the Battle of Innersring in 1158 AA, Lorent won a decisive victory against the Derannic rebels. For the Lorentish, it ensured control over the land for centuries to come. The Derannics however, saw firsthand the superiority that heavy cavalry had on the battlefield.\n\nOfficially established in 1175, the Order of the Seaflower Knights was originally an order of Knights meant to rival the heavy cavalry of the other Lencori. However, while the order at first simply emulated the Rose Knights, it would in time grow to become something more unique and perhaps even superior to their Lorentish rivals. From their distinct plumage, heralding their arrival in battle as the enemy sees their feathers with the colour of the ocean. As well as the knights themselves eventually doubling as both captains and sailors in times of need, working off the many years of experience they have sailing on the high seas.
+10% Cavalry Combat Ability
+1 Land Leader Shock
+1 Naval Leader Shock

Children of OlavlundWhile the Derannics might be of mostly Lencori blood today, their culture heralds to a different tradition compared to other Lencori. For unlike their neighbors, Derannics descend not just from those of Lencenor, but also from the Reavers of Gerudia. These courageous warriors were the scourge of Cannor during the Era of Black Ice, and nearly everyone on the continent feared their wrath. Rowing in their longships and singing tales of dragons, some of these Reavers years of pillaging would come to an end when they, under the leadership of Derhilde Reaverqueen, conquered and settled the western coast of Lencenor.\n\nEven today, aspects of the Reavers of old can clearly be seen in Derannic society, as they have far from forgotten their brutal heritage. Most notably this can be seen in their strong maritime tradition and love for the sea, with most people spending much of their life on the ocean, and taking up professions as shipbuilders, fishermen, and sailors.
+10% Morale of Navies

Peace of the RosesIn 1156, Creston I, with the assistance of the Lorentish crown, ascended to the throne as the Derannic king after a short struggle. As part of the plan orchestrated by Ioriel, Creston then swore fealty to the king of Lorent, as he had promised years earlier, and Deranne became a vassal of the Lorentish realm. While the people remained bitter, this initiated an era of prosperity for Deranne in what has become known as the Peace of The Roses. The Derannic economy was long based on its rich fishing and fertile landscapes, and with easier access to trade with Lorent and the other Lencori duchies, it was able to blossom further.\n\nHowever, the Peace was destined to end with the onset of the Lilac Wars, in which saw Deranne side with the Moon Party, bound to Dameria through the marriage between Calassa síl Deranne and Adénn Skylance, the heir to the Damerian throne. In response, the Lorentish king, Laurens IV, fearing a two-sided invasion from Deranne and Dameria, marched his army west in 1394. Thus began nearly fifty years of war between the Duchy and Kingdom, only ending 1442 as the Lilac Wars reached its climax. Ultimately, the war failed to bring the Lorentish justice, yet their grip over Deranne greatly weakened. And in time, this freedom would earn Deranne a new era of prosperity.
+10% Production Efficiency

The Westport VoyageThe Derannics had always wondered what lay beyond the vast ocean to the west, but anyone with courage to look for themselves, never came back, dissuading others from trying the same. That was until Endral the Explorer, with the funding of the Lorentish crown, discovered the lost continent of Aelantir.\n\nIt did not take long for Derannic wanderlust to renew. Within a year of Endral’s discovery Westport’s harbors overflowed with ships small and large. Some were funded by the Duke. Others by notable merchants and guilds. And still more were simply sailors who had nothing but their grit and vessel. Regardless of their origin, they all had one thought in mind: to sail West.
+1 Colonists

Behemoths of DeranneIt is said that the Behemoths of Deranne originated from an outraged outburst by Duke Jomar II while drunk at a party hosted on a royal vessel. If the story was to be believed, he demanded to know why a Lorentish transport ship was larger than any Ducal ship of war. The statement, was in fact, false. But, when the Duke refused to be corrected, the worried Master of Sea moved quickly to strike a deal with the up- and-coming Veline brothers. Together, the duo would build the “Shipyards of Lament”, a large shipyard complex in Westport, in which the infamous Derannic Behemoths would be constructed.\n\nThe ships were both costly and time-demanding to build, requiring large amounts of high-quality timber imported from the Alenic Reach, and hundreds of workers for construction. In addition, the ships were exclusively built in the Westport arsenal, and as a result there were few grand behemoths.The ships themselves resembled their name however. With massive size and potential in firepower, the behemoths proved to be ferocious in battle. They especially thrived in the line of battle tactic which became increasingly more popular during the 16th and 17th century, as they could absorb as many shots as they could fire.
+15% Heavy Ship Combat Ability

The High Queen of LencenorIn 850 AA, during the of the Era of Black Ice, an Olavish reaver named Ragnvald invaded the western coast of Lencenor. In the battle of Clearshore however, he and his fellow raiders were slaughtered at the hands of the Entebenic army. While the Entebenics celebrated their victory, the fallen Reaver's daughter swore to avenge him. Her name was Derhilde, and her tale would become legend.\n\nTen years later, Derhilde landed in Western Lencenor with a Reaver army of thousands, a grand scale never before seen by the Entebenics. Derhilde then accepted an offer by the desperate king of Enteben, allowing her to rule the western coast as his vassal. However, the Entebenics had vastly underestimated her ambition, for shortly thereafter they were betrayed by the Reavers in battle, and watched them as they unfolded the banners of the Derannic kingdom.\n\nWith little resistance, Derhilde proceeded to march her way to Redfort, and within the castle's walls she was proclaimed the High Queen of Lencenor, a title not used for decades. Years later, the War of the One Rose marked the end of Derhildes short lived empire, but her legacy remains as the only foreigner to ever claim the mantle of High Monarch in the history of Lencenor, and she continues to live on in the hearts of every Derannic.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Deranne Trade CompanyAt the Conference of Columshaven in 1542, the various smaller Derannic trading settlements agreed to merge into one large trading company, the D.T.C (Deranne Trade Company), centered around the meeting place of Columshaven itself. The company's holdings were prime destinations for opportunistic merchants wishing to take part in the trade between Noruin and Cannor. \n\nWhile the D.T.C acted independently in most of its trade affairs, many Derannic nobles vied for influence in the trading company as well, desiring their own share of the rich trading networks flowing from Aelantir to Westport. At first only serving as investors and patrons for the merchants, the nobles would eventually usurp several key administrative positions within the company with the help of the Derannic Crown, looking to tighten their control over the almost independent company. This would lead to a series of conflicts between the state of Deranne and the D.T.C, with the merchants claiming that royal intervention would be a threat to the mercantile principles of the company.
+20% Merchants
+1 Merchants

+10% Morale of Armies



Beat up your neighbours.