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Primary Culture

-10% Construction Cost
+1 Yearly Legitimacy

Nisq FarmingLife within the Wild Magic rich lands of Amadia has led to some curious adaptations. One of these is the Nisqs that the Tanafali rely on for food. Believed to have once been regular mosquitoes before being warped by wild magic, these large insects now find sustenance in the waters of the Kunka River. For reasons unknown, the Nisqs form hives in a manner similar to bees, though these hives shift across the colors of the rainbow as they mature, until they are purple and ready to be harvested for its wax that functions as an incredible fertilizer, bestowing faster growth and higher yield on our crops. This shifting of color results in a breathtaking display of colors at sunrise and set, and has resulted in the phrase “to have a purple dawn” entering Tanafali vocabulary as an expression of extreme fortune.
+10% Production Efficiency

LanaqIn reverence to Tarpláñaq, the King of Greenery, our society has woven a deep respect for the natural world into the very fabric of our daily lives. This veneration is not just ceremonial; it manifests in every aspect of our existence. Our homes and buildings are crowned with rooftop gardens, where families grow vegetables, herbs, and flowers, creating a living tapestry that changes with the seasons and supplements diets with fresh produce. Central courtyards in our homes and public buildings are transformed into verdant oases, complete with gardens and water features that serve as spaces for relaxation and spiritual ceremonies. Public green spaces, such as parks, botanical gardens, and community orchards, are meticulously maintained and filled with statues and shrines dedicated to Tarpláñaq, offering places for both recreation and worship. Eco-friendly water systems, such as rain collection and water recycling, irrigate these green spaces, ensuring we live in harmony with the natural cycles.
+25% National Supply Limit Modifier

Quchamar MercenariesIn response to the relentless Chaqanel raids that have plagued our lands further down the river, we have been compelled to devise strategies to safeguard our people and resources from harm. The first step in addressing this issue has led us to hire mercenaries of the Quchamár to our north. These seasoned fighters have long honed their combat techniques through skirmishes with the Chaqanel, and their discipline in battle has become a considerable asset. Their presence enables us to protect our homeland without depleting our own ranks or risking the precious supplies and stockpiles that are the lifeblood of our people, and as such these mercenaries are an integral part of our defense strategy.
+5% Mercenary Discipline

The River TradeThe Kunka, or "Voice" River, forms the lifeline of our nation, carving a path through our territory, nurturing our lands, and forming the backbone of an innovative trading network that, alongside our farms, forms the basis of our economy. Utilizing its currents to connect disparate communities within and beyond our borders, we have created floating markets—temporary marketplaces set up on boats and rafts that travel along the river, bringing goods directly to various communities, and fostering trade and social interaction, ensuring that even the most remote villages have access to essential goods and cultural exchanges. \n\n Supporting these floating markets are trade outposts and warehouses along the riverbanks, which serve as docking points and extra storage, as well as serving as smaller trading spots, enabling the efficient distribution of products throughout our nation. Supplementing the markets is a system of river barges, allowing for the swift and reliable movement of goods up and down the river, further extended by a network of secondary canals branching off the main river. These canals allow us to connect inland areas not directly accessible by the Kunka, providing reliable access to trade.
+15% Domestic Trade Power

QataharkunaIn response to the constant threat posed by the Chaqanel’s raids, our nation has embarked on a strategic initiative to fortify our frontier and safeguard our communities. Recognizing the difficulties in responding to and engaging in open conflict with the Chaqanel’s mobile raids, we have instead opted for a more passive yet effective defense strategy: the construction of a network of small fortifications, known as Qataharkuna, across our lands. These "Hill Shields" are not meant to serve as impenetrable barriers but rather as a means to disrupt and slow the advance of any invading force, giving our people the precious time needed to mobilize our defenses or evacuate populations and goods to more secure areas. A variant of these fortifications has also been developed for our frontier settlements. These Wasiharkuna or “Home Shields” are integrated into the layout of our settlements, providing fortified shelters within each village, allowing our people to shelter in place and consequently limiting the damage of the Chaqanel’s raids.
+15% Fort Defence

Preserve our MenThe harsh nature of our home has ingrained in our people an appreciation for the sanctity of life and fostered a communal ethos in our soldiery that prioritizes preservation of life and men. Our warriors train relentlessly in the use of spears and shield wall formations, focusing on small-scale maneuvers to fill gaps and extract the wounded. Our lower-ranked leaders are trained in situational awareness, stress management, and risk assessment, ensuring they can make quick, informed decisions to protect their comrades. A cornerstone of our military strategy is the swift and effective treatment of the wounded. Our medics are highly valued assets, and battlefield triage is a practiced art, ensuring that even those injured in the heat of combat receive the care they need. This can even extend to our treatment of the enemy, as there is at least one known instance of a regiment returning with more men than they left with, having treated and recruited wounded foes.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Sapa Kuti SapanchasqaOur nation stands as a beacon of self-reliance and dignity amidst a land where many have chosen the path of dependence or conquest. Unlike our northern Quchamar neighbours, we owe our existence to no grand confederation, and we do not stoop to the level of pillaging and plunder like the detestable Chaqanel. The roots of our nation are firmly entrenched in the soil we till, a testament to our ethos of hard work and community. This commitment is embodied in the Sapa Kuti Sapanchasqa, a national movement among our upper classes that champions our values of eternal self-sufficiency and independence. Our independence is surely becoming our most cherished treasure, safeguarded by our cultural resolve to rely on no one but ourselves for our survival and prosperity. This dedication ensures our legacy is built on the bedrock of autonomy and resilience, standing unshaken as a testament to the spirit of our people, forever independent, forever sovereign against the sands of time.
+1 Yearly Prestige

+1 Diplomats


