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Primary Culture

+2 Possible Advisors
+10% Morale of Armies

First Banner of the RajaLocated only miles from Dhenijansar, our seat of Parusapa has been a major rallying point for the armies of the Dhenijanraj for most all of its existence, since the time our our Great ancestor. As the first to answer the call of the Raj and arrive with our armies whenever the drums of war beat, and for our consistent service, we have the honor of holding the vital right flank in the Raja's armies.\n\nWe are the elite and faithful Warlords of the Inner Raj - all who see our banner know our reputation, and we will never forget the splendor of our past service or the many victories we have won.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

Grand Vizier ManavaManava of the Bloody Claw, Senapti of Rabhidaraj since the moment of his birth in 1409, was always an ambitious and talented youth. As he grew all could see that he would be a great leader, and as Senapti of Rabhidaraj he spent much time at the nearby court of the aging Raja Indranayar. The old harimari took a shine to the energetic young Manava and began to delegate many responsibilities to his vassal.\n\nManava, ever hungry for more power and personal advancement, took on these positions with relish, leveraging his personal position at court to amass great wealth, influence, and even seize the nearby city of Nabukh from the Prabhi of Saddathar. At the height of his influence, Manava was the power behind the throne of the Raja - and some claimed that it was he who truly ruled over the whole of the Raj. Even after his death in 1448, the long shadow of Manava has laid over the court at Parusapa, and Rabhidaraj would ever after be known for their ambition and desire to rule.
-10% Cost to fabricate claims
-10% Unjustified Demands

Jadd Mercenary RidersWhen the Vizier Indira was slain by her foes on the field at Janandana at the onset of the wars of the vizerate, the new Vizier Naranyar III found himself in a conflict he had no time to prepare for. With his enemies at the gates, and no raised banners, he called upon the services of a band of elven mercenaries from Bulwar that his aunt had previously used for special operations. This elite group of horse archers were highly skilled and proved instrumental in the Battle of Nabukh, during which the rebel raja Acay was killed. Furthermore, the strange beliefs and grace of these beings would have a great influence on Naranyar's son, who would often sit with these warriors of the Jadd in the evening and discuss the merits of their God's tenets...
+0.25 Cavalry Fire
+3% Mercenary Discipline

Dawn Rising From the WestEver since Jaher passed through our lands, the teachings of the Radiant Sun school have been prominent. It is said that where he passed, our people were given the spark of zealotry, and to this day they are some of the most righteous of preachers.\n\nWe can put this zealousness to good use converting any who stray from the true faith to strange philosophies, though perhaps our beliefs align more with a new wind blowing from the west than with the old ways of the High Gods...
+1% Missionary Strength
+0.5 Monthly Fervour

The Treason at GhamakritWhen a force of forty thousand Jaddari zealots crossed into Rahen and aimed at Dhenijansar, we rallied to the Raja's banners as we had always done since days of old. But our adherence to the Radiant Sun school of High Philosophy had made the message of the Jadd particularly compelling to our Senapti and many of our warriors, and the ever-ambitious lords of Rabhidaraj sensed an opportunity. Secret talks were initiated with the Jaddari, to betray the Raja and join our realm to theirs - in return, we would convert to the Jadd and join them as equal partners in empire.\n\nWhen the forces of the Dhenijanraj met the Jaddari at the Battle of Ghamakrit, the Rabhidaraji held the right flank as always - but at a critical moment in the battle, we withdrew and exposed the Raja's center, allowing them to be crushed by the Jaddari cavalry. With the army broken, we marched alongside the Jaddari to the gates of Dhenijansar and threw down the walls for our new brothers in the faith. Thus, by the treason of Rabhidaraj did the Jaddari gain their dominance over lower Rahen - and we obtained our central place as governors and administrators in their growing realm, sculpting policy from within as willing partners instead of subjugated serfs.
+1 Administrative Free Policies

Knowledge from the WestThe advance of the Jaddari and the arrival of the first Cannorian traders brought many ideas and technological advancements to Rahen. Though the harimari have long had a strong traditionalist bent and have been slow to adopt technological innovations, Rabhidaraj's religious conversion has led us to see the light in more ways than one. The ideas that travel down the Golden Highway, that come ashore at Sramaya, will not stop just because we wish them to. No, let us recognize the value of these new ideas, the value inherent in adaptability, and propagate these new innovations through the territories under their control.
+20% Institution Spread

Warlords of the DeioderanThe Jadd Empire would not last forever, and when the great civil war that tore the empire in two broke out, Rabhidaraj was swift to act. From our position in central Rahen we could rapidly seize strategic points, and our long partnership with the Jaddari had ensured that we retained a well trained personal military force and were skilled administrators who could dominate Dhenijanraj and the lands that surround it. Because of this, in the months and years that would follow the fall of the Jadd Empire, Rabhidaraj would establish itself as a power player in the emerging Deioderan polities that would dominate Rahen for the next half-century.
-10% Core-Creation Cost

-15% Province War Score Cost


