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Primary Culture

+15% National Manpower Modifier
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Ten Thousand BazaarsIt is said that Bulwar is the land of 10,000 bazaars. The abundance of markets, both great and small, means that the riches and artifacts of ages can be obtained almost as easily as the mundane goods of everyday life.
+15% Trade Efficiency

Independent Judicial SystemBulwar has had a strong tradition of independent judges ever since ancient times. In those days, it was the Order of Judges that handled affairs of law and settled disputes between city-states. These days, that order has become more integrated into the government, but it still remains completely separate from the ruling power of Bulwar, capable of passing judgment without interference.
+0.5 Yearly Devotion
-2 National Unrest
+0.5 Yearly Horde Unity
+0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.15 Yearly Republican Tradition

Between Cannor and RahenBulwar is the oldest civilisation of man, but millennia of occupation has left it relatively poor. Instead it is situated between the wealthy lands of Rahen and Cannor, allowing the cities of Bulwar to flourish from the trade routes running through their lands. Throughout the years, the Bulwari developed strong foreign trading relations, not just with Rahen and Cannor, but also with the rest of Haless, with the Serpentspine and with Sarhal.
+20% Global Trade Power

Divenhal DominationBulwari trade is heavily reliant on the Divenhal. Cities like Brasan, Anzabad, Re-Uyel and Aqatbar all have ports and heavy trading connections with the cities of northern Sarhal and southern Cannor. To fully capitalize on these trading connections, a project has begun to build a great many galleys to protect those trade routes and to allow Bulwar to project its power over all coasts of the Divenhal.
-25% Galley Cost
+20% Galley Combat Ability

Freedom from Gnoll and ElfBulwar had never been united under humans. The disparate city-states were first dominated by genies, then gnolls, then sun elves. For the first time Bulwar is united under human rule, a union of city-states ruled by one of their own, instead of a foreign power.
+10% Morale of Armies

The Flooding of the SuranThe Suran, the most important river of Bulwar, is subject to seasonal flooding. In times of old, the city-states of Bulwar made use of that flooding for the irrigation of their fields, but it was never a united effort. These days, the irrigation system is managed centrally, and the people of Bulwar have much more control over the flooding of the great river. This allows for vast quantities of food to be produced, all feeding into a growing population.
-20% Development Cost

The Magi of BulwarWhile often suppressed and rarely noticed, Bulwar is a land of ancient knowledge. While genies dominated their human subjects, some of those subjects also learned the secrets of their overlords. This tradition was later developed and expanded and left Bulwar as a land of powerful mages. While under gnollish rule, this art was mostly lost, and it didn't regain much of its former glory while under the sun elves. In Dartaxâgerdim, the old art was revived and an arcane society rose to prominence and now flourishes all over Bulwar.
-3% All Power Costs

+10% Land Fire Damage


