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Primary Culture

+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+1 Diplomatic Relations

Founders of New Sun CultDuring the times of the Phoenix Empire there was a cult of Jaher, Surael reborn. The cult persisted after his assassination, sustained by his daughter Jexis only to be ended after her own demise. While some disorganised cults and faiths related to the New Sun Cult existed since Jaher's death, it was Irrliam who united a coalition of sun elven royalties and prominent human merchants to create the New Sun Cult as a proper religion. Jaher's divinity was proclaimed to have spread to all sun elves, granting us rightful dominion over these lands. To this day Irrliam still holds a prominent position as the founders and the most zealous member of the Sun Cult.
-10% Establish Local Organization Cost
-15% War Score Cost vs Other Religions

Treaty of BrasanTreaty of Brasan was an agreement made by several powers to consolidate several states in southern Bulwar under Irrliam's guidance. One of the most important clauses was the autonomy of the Republic of Brasan as well as general liberties of human subjects elsewhere in Irrliamic territory. Since then we have maintained great relations with our subjects and as a gratitude they are willing to work for us with greater fervour.
+100% Vassal Force Limit Contribution
+20% Income from Vassals

Inquisitorial CollegeEstablished in 1295 the inquisitorial college of Irrliam was built as a response to the growing heresy throughout Bulwar. The college quickly became a highly respectable institution, educating many capable inquisitors ready to correct the erroneous ways of these heretics.
+1 Missionaries

Widespread MerchantsThe existence of the republic in Brasan had influenced Irrliam quite a bit, especially our merchant class. Our merchants can be found almost everywhere in Bulwar, willing to trade and bring their wealth back to Irrliam. Having these connections makes it easier for us to coordinate trade around the region.
+15% Trade Steering

Sunblessed TroopsSun blessing is a religious tradition practiced primarily in Irrliam. Starting out as a tradition during the early days of the New Sun Cult, it was meant to amend the growing divide between humans and the elves. During sun blessing the human troops are imbued with Surael's light with the help of sun elven clergy, who channel his holy power for protection. Sunblessed soldiers are considerably more zealous and eager to fight.
+10% Morale of Armies

Multiracial CourtAnother interesting clause in the treaty of Brasan is the 'Right of Counsel'. Irrliam is obligated to have humans from its subject in different court positions. While many other nations may consider this an act of weakness to the humans we believe otherwise. By employing people from all around our kingdom, we never run out of advisors willing to work towards the common goal of Irrliam's betterment.
+2 Possible Advisors

Extensive Diplomatic EducationIn order to deal with the large number of subjects we have our ruler must be well versed in diplomacy. All members of the royal family would be required to have classes learning languages, customs and eloquence. This way we will surely become the strongest diplomatic power in Bulwar.
+1 Monarch Diplomatic Skill


