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Primary Culture

+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+10% Production Efficiency

The New Small CountryOur homeland, the Small Country, is beset by war from all sides and split between foreign rulers. The idea of being free and able to rule ourselves was far from possible, until the miraculous sacrifice of Corin stopped the tide of the Greentide. Now us halflings have a land that we claim as a new Small Country, where we can once more live in peace.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Orcward FortsDespite the many forces of the Marcher Lords, the sacrifice of Corin, and the endless adventurers, Escann is still a land replete with orcs whose wish is to destroy all that is fair. Even though we wish to be left in peace, that does not mean that we cannot defend ourselves. The Orcward Forts were constructed to hold back these green-skinned monsters from our new home.
-15% Fort Maintenance

Peace, Love, and Prosperity ActThe Peace, Love, and Prosperity Act was signed in order to promote greater economic growth in our nation. Households of at least three children are incentivized with reduced taxes, and workshops that produce an increasing amount of goods produced each year are rewarded with a removal of sales tax on their goods.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Newshire SheriffsOur dedication to peace and neighbourly conduct can only do so much when our neighbours are less than courteous. In fact, sometimes even young halflings can be rowdy. The Newshire Sheriffs are recruited from the most dedicated to our cause, they should be equally adequate at both stopping crime and the charge of gullible orcs with staff and stone.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Enormous PumpkinsSometime in the mid sixteenth century a strange phenomenon occurred in Newshire. Pumpkins the size of homes grew from our vines, able to feed a family for weeks. Every year since then, massive pumpkins have grown in Newshire, and we are known far and wide for our equally grand pumpkin pie.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Honest Words and SmilesThroughout the world nations know that Newshire is honest to its word and mission: a new home for halflings, and the continuation of peace for our people. They know that we have no other secrets or ambitions that may tarnish our standing.
+20% Improve Relations

Halfling HeroesMany years after the Greentide, stories are told about our heroes of old who cleaved the path so that we could live in peace in our Newshire. Some of these heroes still remain, and others still are created in the mission of preserving our nation. It would do well for us to listen to these heroes, for they alone know the vision that our halfling nation needs.
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

+15% Global Trade Power


