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Primary Culture

+15% Cavalry Combat Ability
+20% National Manpower Modifier

Shrouded LandsBeyond Corvuria our people have settled, exiled from our lands drowned by Daravan's Folly, into lands obscured by the fires of villages burning by countless orcs. By establishing our strongholds in lands shrouded between hill and dale, our fortresses are both difficult to find and highly defensible. It will take an enemy far above the average skill to find our lands.
+20% Fort Defence

Tested by FeyOn our voyage from Arca Corvur to Escann beyond, we encountered the ever-fabled Fey. As beautiful, and dangerous, as the legends say, we were tempted by the Fey to enter the Deepwoods proper and join them. Resolute in our mission, the Raven Banner ignored their charms, and set traps that night in case of retaliation. Later that night, that retaliation came, and Fey spirits attacked the camp. From then on the Raven Banner knew to always prepare for the enemy, and hurt them before they can ever harm you.
+1.5 Attrition for Enemies

Vernham Heavy BrigadeThe bravest and most noble of our soldiers swung great bludgeoning warhammers against the hordes of orcs. While they met great success in battle, reclaiming lands far from the heart of our new home, the age of heavy arms and armor soon came to an end with the ever-increasing use of firearms.\n\nVeterans of these heavy infantry units assembled the Vernham Heavy Brigade, preserving their fighting style for future generations. However, their primary duty was to inspire courage and comradery amongst the greater army. Recruits were assigned to spar and wrestle with these great warriors. Although few could best them, all felt pride in themselves and gratitude for having the opportunity to improve their skills with these legends.
+5% Discipline

Sons of the MireThe Raven Banner was established by Davan II síl Vivin of Corvuria in 1441 from the safety of Arca Corvur, to defeat the encroaching Greentide and claim lands for Corvuria. But in truth Jergan of Corveld, his fellow commanders, and their levied armies were exiles.\n\nFrustrated by centuries of their lands ruined and drowned by the slow encroachment of Daravan's Folly, these nobles of the marshlands were a constant thorn to the monarch. Davan II saw an opportunity to be rid of this nuisance with the Greentide. The constant demands for supplies and funding to rebuild besoaked baronies, and intermittent rebellions from the lack of help, were too heavy a price to continue financing.\n\nJergan of Corveld, an eccentric but charismatic noble with dubious claims to the ruined city of Corveld, was summoned to Arca Corvur. Behind closed doors, the Raven Banner was established, outfitted with arms and supplies to drive deep into the Greentide. Eager to see them gone, and the deficit decrease, no binding agreements were made to ensure the loyalty of the Raven Banner to the holder of the Sapphire Key.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

Reapers of the Bloody HarvestAll around us lie nations that threaten our way of life, ever on their mission to reclaim or pillage all of Escann. If they insist, the Ravenmarch will meet with fire and steel, and will stand victorious in the end.\n\nOld Castanor has failed, crumbled, and burned into ashes. Once their lowly subject, Dostanor persists still despite the ruin of the Folly and bloodthirsty pretenders in Arca Corvur, but most of all in us. One day we will return, but for now Dostanor will be preserved in our hearths.
+100% Army Tradition From Battles

Sisterhood of Ryala's SmileOf all the gods of the Regent Court, Ryala of all has blessed our nation. Women and men both are fair, and true love is never heartbroken. The Sisterhood of Ryala's Smile upholds the tenets of Ryala in order to preserve our blessing, spreading the message of her smile even to beings such as orcs and goblins.\n\nRavenmarch was quickly swept up in the reformative spirit of the Corinite movement, remembering how they served with honor as the rear-guard of Corin's army. Their zealous hearts fixated on the role of Corin as a defender of the weak and a slayer of evil. But the old worship of Ryala and the death god Nerat did not wane in influence, and instead formed a triarchy of faith - life, war, and death.
+25% Female Advisor Chance
+1 Missionaries

The Lady with Dusken HairLegends say that in Ravenmarch, it is best to be wary of windows, for it is said that the Lady with Dusken Hair watches and listens through them. Former spies, hunched over in taverns far from any window, tell in horror how one by one their comrades were found lifelessly discarded in the streets, completely drained of blood. Even the commoners tell tales of how their seditious neighbours or family members would be found dead and drained, displayed prominently in the town square. They say that this Lady is an ancient vampire, and others go so far as to say that the government of the Ravenmarch has recruited these unholy abominations as spies.
+20% Foreign Spy Detection
+20% Spy Network Construction

+20% Caravan Power


