Small Country

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Small Country

Primary Culture

+15% Infantry Combat Ability
+10% Morale of Armies

Freedom Calls!Now is the time! We must rise once more and secure a free and independent halfling state once and for all!
+15% National Manpower Modifier

Halfling HomelandThe Small Country is our by right and none may take that away. We are the true and just rulers of this land.
-15% Fort Maintenance

Guerrilla WarfareTo defeat a large army we must evolve and incorporate more unconventional tactics. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Reach out to the WorldWe must make friends anywhere and everywhere and solidify our place in Cannor, and our place as a rightful sovereign nation.
+20% Improve Relations

Viswall Trade RoutesAll roads lead to Viswall, do they not? Let us make it so!
+20% Caravan Power

Breadbasket to CannorOur leverage against the world is our position as the major food supplier for the continent. Let's keep it that way.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier
+10% Production Efficiency

Rogueish SortsThere's a stereotype with halflings: that they're all thieves and spies. Well, the latter at least, can help us further our ambitions.
+20% Spy Network Construction

+10% Manpower Recovery Speed


