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Primary Culture

+1 Attrition for Enemies
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Elven-Eyed ArchersWhile physically frailer than most humans, we elves are known for our keen senses, especially our sight. This has allowed us to produce some of the best marksmen in Cannor, each capable of pinning down foes with deadly efficiency.
+5% Discipline
+10% Land Fire Damage

Defense of the Forlorn ValeLike most elfrealms, we were granted a wooden expanse to settle following the Landing. The Forlorn Vale exists at the edges of the Empire, away from prying eyes- let's keep it that way.
+15% Fort Defence

The BlaiddscalThe Blaiddscal is a special academy in Ibevar dedicated to the education of its military leaders. Officer cadets are trained in the arts of fencing and military command, resulting in an aggressive martial style atypical of most elven armies.
+1 Land Leader Shock

Ideas from the Courts of MenThe Sun Elves are stubborn and unwilling to implement ideas from what they consider the 'lesser' races. We are not so close-minded, and will assimilate any useful ideas... provided they are useful.
-10% Institution Embracement Cost

Ibevari ArtisansEven among the other Moon Elves, Ibevari artisans are well respected not only for the uncommon beauty of their crafts, but also the speed and efficiency with which they are made.
+10% Production Efficiency

The Elven StateAlthough Moon Elves can be found all across Cannor, it is rare to find them as an organized state. The Elfrealm of Ibevar is one such community, and commands great respect from all elves as a result.
+1 Yearly Absolutism

Elven DrillWe acknowledge that we are physically weaker than most of the other races; to compensate for this, we have developed a martial tradition of strict training and rigorous discipline to match our foes.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
-10% Regiment Drill Loss

-15% Stability Cost Modifier


