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Primary Culture

+1 Attrition for Enemies
+1 Max Promoted Cultures

13 Long YearsDuring the Lilac wars, the other Wine Lords proved themselves to be fickle in their fight against Lorent. First Madelaire defecting with Wesdam, giving Lorent the upper hand, and then the Rubenairey defection, forced by the need to reclaim their rightful lands.\n\nEilísin, however, held strong for 13 years against both Rose party soldiers and even those in our realm who sought to defect. Surrounded and outnumbered, this period was costly for our realm, with many noble houses decimated, and those left questioning if it was worth the cost. Despite this we stand proud, knowing that while we may have been defeated, our enemies have paid dearly with their blood.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Seizure of the Estates'Following the acts of rebellion committed by the Nobles of the realm, seeking to overthrow their rightful liege Reánna, the Duchy will confiscate the estates of any and every subject who saw fit to rise against the Duchy. Their properties henceforth will be considered the property of Reánna and the Duchy.' - An excerpt from The Estate Act, 1444 following a Lorentish-backed coup.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
+0.5 Yearly Absolutism

The Fate of CarneterIn the year 1360 Duke Lucian of Eilísin and Duchess Emilíe of Carneter were wed and through their union Eilísin inherited the lands of Carneter, and as such have claim to the ancient Kingdom of Carneter. Whilst our claim is shaky, and the Kingdom has not been unified for centuries, its memory lives on, as do our claims. Even if others do take some convincing of that fact...
-25% Cost to fabricate claims

Calas' Final CrusadeCalas made a name for himself during the Greentide where he proved himself many a time despite being one of the youngest members of his company, the Order of the Ashen Rose. In no small part due to his ability as a Mage, saving many a battle from certain defeat. One such instance was the battle of Flaygarden where his timely arrival, and a large fireball, saved the company from certain defeat.\n\nUpon Dookan's death, Calas saw fit to return to his home in Eilísin where he lead our armies against Lorent until his death in 1498.
+1 Land Leader Shock

Laurens' Favoured EilísIt is oft said that of Laurens II's children Eilís was his favourite and she used this favour to her advantage. The clearest example of this is, of course, the matter of the County of Greatfield.\n\nUpon their coming of age Laurens created the duchies of Eilísin and Madelaire for his twin daughters, Eilís and Madaléin. Included in Madaléin's inheritance were the counties of Greatfield and Horsegarden. Upon hearing of this Eilís was greatly distraught and stormed into Laurens' court, during a meeting of the council no less, and is recorded to have said 'Father, I have heard word that Madaléin will be receiving two extra counties in her inheritance, in addition to the duchies you granted us both. I do not understand why you must insult me so, and why you would see fit to grant my sister so much and me so little. Have I not been a good daughter to you?'\n\nEilís refused to leave the council chamber, until at last her father relented and granted her the County of Greatfield.
-20% Unjustified Demands

Minara's FistWhilst the people of Lencenor are, for the most part, worshippers of Adean, the people of Eilísin are followers of Minara and we have long been the unofficial protector of the Minaran within Lencenor.\n\nOur devotion has even been recognized by Minaran Temple granting us the title 'Minara's Fist' in recognition of our service to Minara and as thanks for our continued protection.
+10% Morale of Armies

Vineyards of Life'The practice of using magic to grow crops is not uncommon and by no means banned, however caution should be exercised; excessive use of magic will deplete the energy of the soil and plants will not be able to grow if the soil is not given time to recover. For this reason it is important that if magic is used soil is given an appropriate recovery period where plants are allowed to grow without the assistance of magics.' -The Comprehensive Guide to Magicks\n\nThe laws of Magic are well written. This, however, does not mean they are respected.\n\nStarting in 1620, Eilísin began expanding their policy of mages assisting wine production, through the use of spells, in order to meet the growing demand for Eilísin Tríros, disregarding these well recorded laws of magic. To the despair of the rulers of Eilísin the increased usage of magic did not increased crop yields in the long term, seemingly having the opposite effect. In order to remedy this state mages, and even rulers, went down unnatural paths to restore the fertility of the soil and meet the ever-growing market, to keep the profits flowing.\n\nDuring the reign of Rewan IV there were many instances of bodies of farm workers being found, their life force drained. While they were never linked to Rewan IV directly, these rumours proved too much for the Lorentish King at the time, who called for Rewan's execution and had his titles confiscated.\n\nRewan was never executed, disappearing on the day of his execution.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

+10 Maximum Absolutism


