Bulwari Ideas

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-10% Development Cost
+10% Recover Army Morale Speed

The Bulwar Accord\"All lands east of Ourdia shall be administered by the Castan's representative, speaking with His voice, from the city of Bulwar... to be advised and directed by the guild-masters, mayors, priest-kings, ... of every city in the region\"\n-The Bulwar Accord, Aleric the White, 569 BA.\n\nAfter the death of Castan II Beastbane, his general Aleric the White was given the tall task of organizing the lands Beastbane had conquered. East of Ourdia, facing the challenge of navigating the competing interests and complicated politics of an array of foreign city-states, he established a ruling council where each would get a voice and a vote. The city of Bulwar was chosen as its headquarters, and from then on, the Castanites (and later all of Cannor) would refer to the entire region as ‘Bulwar'.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Weavers of Light and ShadowOur silkmasters seem to weave light itself into textile form, another reminder of Surael's many gifts and the wonder of His sun. And behind the scenes, in temple backrooms, opulent merchant estates, and busy streets, weavers of another sort devise complex schemes and political gambits. Both have been practicing their trade in Bulwar for generations, and are essential to its success.
+1 Diplomatic Relations
+10% Spy Network Construction

The Twelve FamiliesBulwar began with twelve families: they joined hands on the banks of the Suran, agreed to build their homes and lives together, and so laid the foundation of our city. Bulwar endured with twelve families: when Aakhet the Bronze invaded and set up a puppet Akal, they led the people in ferocious revolt, braving a dragon's fury to preserve our republic.\n\nAnd for all the years that lay ahead, Bulwar shall prosper under twelve families: they guide us onward, keeping care of every citizen's well-being as Surael cares for their souls.
+5% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
+15% Reform Progress Growth

A Pillar of LightFor as long as Bulwar has prospered under the sun, it has worshipped Surael. From the early days when we knew him as Surakel, to the landing of Jaher when we saw Him take human form, to the recent centuries attending to His Chosen's will, no city has been more loyal or devout. And while Eduz-Vacyn or Azka-Sur might build larger temples, the oldest shall forever be in Bulwar.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Battle of Eduz-Buranun\"Do not abandon hope, the sun will come again\". So reads the fifth tenet of Surael's worship, and never was it illuminated brighter than in 1452, at the Battle of Eduz-Buranun.\n\nBulwar had suffered under gnollish domination for decades, Tluukt Cleaver-of-Realms demanding vast amounts of tribute and brooking no rebellion. But in 1450, inspired by the Jaddari defeat of Zokka Devourer-of-Suns, the city took up arms against their oppressor.\n\nAfter some initial successes, they were pushed back by a ferocious counter-strike from the south. On the plains of Eduz-Buranun, however, the poorly-armed Bulwari forces fought their near-demonic opponents to a stand-still for a full day and night, pinning the gnoll down and allowing a relieving Zanbar army to crush her in a pincer strike. The sun shone bright once more over Bulwar, and it shall forevermore.
+10% Morale of Armies

Silkmasters of the Kanu DistrictFor millennia, silk flowed west from Rahen, across the Salahad's scorching sands to fetch outrageous prices in Castanorian and Kheteratan markets. But in the 6th century BA, the secrets of silk escaped its guardians in Sardiphadin, and it began to be produced in Bulwar.\n\nThe long-standing textile industry evolved once more. A select group specializing in silk production began to refer to themselves as the "Kanu", setting up shop in the city's east. If you visit Bulwar today, you can still find them there — and ignore whatever the merchants of Zanbar or Kalib say, no tapestries are as elegant, no clothes as comfortable, no banners more imposing, than those of Kanu silk.
+10% Production Efficiency

The Great WatercourseFollowing the overthrow of gnollish suzerainty, Bulwar found itself flush in wealth, saving vast sums previously spent on tribute payments. Under the great architect Guvar ‘the Magnificent', the wealth was poured into reconstructing Bulwar's waterways, to connect the rivers Suran and Buranun (and their dizzying wealth).\n\nBy the late 1500s, it was said the wealth of Bulwar's waterways was vaster than the Verkal Gulan citadel delve, Lorentainé's finest vineyards, and all the plantations of Marlliande — combined. It would not be until the 19th century establishment of Cannor-Haless trade routes through the Jashar Canal in Jasiir Jadid that its shine would fade, and even then, it remained one of the finest jewels sparkling under Surael's light.
+25% Trade Steering

-20% Diplomatic Annexation Cost