Cowskeeper Ideas

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-15% Construction Cost
-10% Idea Cost

The Bull BaronsThe ruling class of Cowskeep has historically been a group referred to as the 'Bull Barons', Bluefoot plutarchs from Butterburn who were shut out of the traditionally-feminine trade of dairy-making in their homeland. These ambitious men took their skill in rearing cattle south, establishing the ranches that would become Cowskeep as centers of meat and leather production.\n\nThe Bull Barons kept close ties with their northern neighbor, providing Butterburn with hardy studs for their cattle herds. This partnership would eventually blossom into the Turnwell League, an economic and defensive alliance between the western halfling lands. Though foreign in origin, Cowskeepers have gotten so used to their rule that the Bull Barons continued to hold key positions of power, long after the League fell apart in 1208. As the Redfoot citizens like to claim, "There’s no problem that a Baron can’t bull their way through."
-15% Reelection Cost

Meat CarversWhen Reveria seized the Kingdom of Iochand, Cowskeepers were quick to utilize their new neighbors in Carverhold as farmhands strong enough to handle their powerful animals as well as brave enough to cut down a rampaging bull. With their skill in axes being somewhat transferable to meat cleavers, Reverians were also employed as butchers, breaking down cows for meat and receiving choice cuts of beef as part of their pay. Well-fed and fitted with durable leather armor, Reverians are always eager to join the ranks of the ‘Carvers’, giving Cowskeep ample mercenaries to defend itself with.
+5% Mercenary Discipline
+13% Mercenary Manpower

Calfhand’s LawIn 1486, a tremendous fire ripped through Cowskeep, all caused by a lamp being knocked over. Much of the wooden town was burned to the ground, with many casualties besides. The mayor at the time, Sirius Calfhand, personally took charge of the rebuilding. He implemented effective zoning and safety laws that stayed in place for centuries to come, allowing Cowskeep to recover and continue growing long after his tenure.
-10% Development Cost

The BattlebullThe Cowskeep Battlebull is one of Cowskeep’s not-so-secret weapons. Infamous throughout the Small Country and even beyond, the Battlebull is a specially-bred bull for halfling mounted combat. Though only the most courageous or foolhardy halflings are willing to ride them, the threat of being gored by their horns makes them a force to be reckoned with when they charge. Being hardier than ponies, Battlebulls are capable of withstanding many wounds, only growing angrier at the pain and making them all the more terrifying.
+0.25 Cavalry Shock

The Cows’ KeepCowskeep itself was originally little more than a few nearby farms sharing common pastures. As the farms grew and began to cluster together, bulls breaking out of their enclosures and herds mixing in the confusion began to be an all-too-common occurrence. The cowherds needed new ways to keep their rowdy cows contained; over time, the flimsy wooden fences around each pasture became rounded stone walls, almost labyrinthine to confuse and corral the cattle. The maze of fortified fields was jokingly called 'The Cows’ Keep' as it was practically a castle meant to keep cows inside, only for the name to stick once it was discovered that it was also quite effective at keeping out invaders.
+10% Fort Defence

Cowskeep PiedSmall Country cattle are famous all over Cannor for many different reasons, but they are often considered to have the highest quality beef. There are many variants, but none more prestigious than the Cowskeep Pied breed, which has been selectively bred for centuries to be the perfect level of deliciousness. With marbled fat mingling with robust beefy flavor, it’s no surprise that Cowskeep Pied cattle are in high demand as stock for herds across Halann. With their fame reaching as far as the Harimraj, Cowskeep herders can hardly keep up with the orders!
+10% Production Efficiency

The Price of the PastWith archaeological discoveries like the Kneadsbridge Barrows coming under great publicity and treasure hunters interfering with the day-to-day workings of the farmers who owned the lands, many halfling farmers started to keep quiet regarding any artifacts discovered on their lands. Nevertheless, the government of Cowskeep received word that a local, Suzanne of Bullsmead, found something ancient while tilling her fields. Suzanne negotiated the government’s access to her lands, who compensated her with gold for the loss in crops that their excavation will cause.\n\nWhat they found was an entire Old Halfling village, its structure raised into a layered mound with each level containing an iteration of the settlement. While archaeologists admire the Bullsmead Mound for its insights into the daily life of ancient halflings, it more importantly established the precedent of governments paying landowners for archaeological excavations, making farmers more open about their findings.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

+10% Goods Produced Modifier