Arbarani Ideas

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-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

Knights MagnificentThe Order of Knights Magnificent are easy to recognise by their green-lined armour and extravagant green-grey plumes adorning their helmets. They revel in battle, travelling the realms of Cannor to fight injustice and evil in the name of fame and fortune. Despite sometimes being considered to be knights-errant, this order of roaming knights remains loyal to the Marquisate. And when their home calls, they answer.\n\nFrom Knight-Commander Varil Silcalas’ famous charge against the orcs of the Greentide at Rottenstep to the Blue Knight’s brutal expedition in the dark and ravenous jungles of the Effe’lai, the Order has time and time again shown both grit and grace.
+5% Discipline
+25% Prestige from Land battles

The Northern MarchOn the 31st of Tearfall 1021, the War of the Sorcerer-King was concluded by the Treaty of Anbenncóst, which partitioned former Castanorian lands into multiple kingdoms. One of these partitions became the Elfrealm of Arbaran, becoming the stewards of the disputed northern territory claimed by both the Gawedi eagle and the Castanorian dragon.\n\nAs a result, our nation came to be under constant threat by its powerful neighbours, yet for two hundred years we stood tall against them both. As such, when the Empire of Anbennar was founded in 1221, Arbaran was granted the status of Imperial March and appointed as protector of the northern flank of the Empire.\n\nNow, supported by the empire, we no longer fear our rivals – be it Eagles or Dragons, talons or claws; both will break upon our walls.
-10% Fort Maintenance
+10% National Manpower Modifier

Silcalas InfluenceDuring the Greatwoods uprising in 1170, the Elfrealm of Arbaran was faced with a succession crisis: its king, Ianren the Rider, fell in the Battle of Alenfield and left neither heir nor kin behind. As such, it fell upon the nobles to decide who should rule the now human Kingdom of Arbaran. Our family, led by Varil I Silcalas, was deemed the most sensible choice.\n\nAfter all, are we not amongst the most renowned houses recognised across Cannor? Our influence is not only in name either – our family has also laid roots in many towns and cities all around the empire, building a web of connections with the Three Castles as its insignia.\n\nSince the Silmunas, our former rivals, were ousted from the seat of power in Anbenncóst, there is no longer any doubt that the Silcalas are amongst the most prominent and influential houses in Cannor, not to be put to shame even by the Siloriels of Lorent.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+1 Diplomatic Relations

Calasandur's LegacyCalasandur the Magnificent, the founder of the House of Silcalas, was one of the greatest – if not the greatest – elven craftsmen in history. His legacy, the three castles of Aelcandar, Escandar and Calascandar, are said to rival the great citadels of Balgar. Yet, time and strife work to blemish even the finest works until they are left ruined.\n\nCalasandur, however, foresaw this. Detailed blueprints of his work were left behind for us, hidden for centuries so that our family’s rivals could not use them against us. On the 5th of Silversight 1489, the magical ward within the archives of Calascandar that had kept them safe gave way to reveal his legacy. Armed with these blueprints, we can not only restore our progenitor’s legacy and memory, but also further it!\n\nSoon his citadels will no longer lay in ruins, and their splendour shall shine across Cannor once again.
-10% Construction Cost

Arbarani Mercenary LordsAs an imperial march tasked with the defence of the Empire from Gawedi threats, the Marquisate has long required the service of mercenaries on a regular basis. As such, per the Land Grants of 1227, the Marquis of Arbaran can bestow titles of nobility on worthy mercenaries who have proved themselves in service of the Marquisate. The desire to be ennobled draws many mercenaries to Arbaran, bolstering the rank of local mercenary companies and pushing them to distinguish themselves on the battlefields.\n\nThese newly minted nobles are often called “nobles of letters”, as they each own a letters patent signed by the Marquis. This document is the symbol of their newly acquired nobility, and bestows upon them the right to brandish coats of arms. The honour granted upon them makes for loyal pawns in the nobility, whilst also keeping in check the influence of older families.
+15% Mercenary Manpower
+10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium

Campground of the Free RealmsLong after the War of the Sorcerer-King had ended, this land continued to be known as the “Campground of the Free Realms”, for it was here that those who opposed Castanorian tyranny fought and bled. This namesake was again proven when the Marquisate rallied the Marcher Lords to defend Cannor from the Greentide while the other houses of the Empire squabbled and failed to recognize the peril it posed.\n\nAfter both conflicts, veterans and adventurers settled in our lands, and as such their blood runs thick in our people. Their duty and conviction yet burn in our hearts, and there remains a collective will to stand against the wicked. Be it witch-kings, vampire lords or monsters from beyond the wastes, our people will not stand by as such beings threaten our lands.
+10% Land Force Limit Modifier
+5% Morale of Armies

Calasanni Trading CompanyFounded by Silcalas merchants in Damescrown in 1502, the Calasanni Trading Company (CLSTC) was a commercial venture intended to help fund the war efforts of the Marquisate. The venture succeeded beyond all expectations, with the CLSTC quickly growing into the backbone of Arbarani economy, helming the development of our lands and of our interests beyond our borders.\n\nNowadays, its influence spans across almost all lands and seas. From Lencenor to Castanor, from the Divenhal to the Ruined Sea, the CLSTC has become one of the largest mercantile companies in all of Halann.\nCompany-owned plantations and trade depots dot the globe, harvesting and producing coveted goods ready to be brought back to Cannor. Today, sponsored merchants hawking sugar, cocoa and tobacco can be found in most Cannorian markets – all making a hefty profit.
+20% Trade Efficiency

+10% Production Efficiency