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=== Anzalkatsa ===
=== Anzalkatsa ===
{subst: ReligiousDescription |religion=anzalkatsa|description=The Anzalkatsa faith is inseparable from the prophecy of the 333rd Empire. While there is much deliberation over the minutiae, all agree that it states all lizardfolk must eventually be united under the 333rd Empire - Khatalashya. The Final Empire shall rule over all lizardfolk, hold all the pillars and bring about eternal prosperity. It is the duty of every follower of Anzalkatsa to work to fulfill this prophecy and be ready to sacrifice everything they may have for this goal, and this expectation is laid equally  across society. The peasantry, the merchants, the nobles and even the king must prostrate themselves to this end - it is their sole purpose.\n\nThe caretakers of this future are the naga, a rare mutation of lizardfolk set out by their appearance and great magical potential who form their own social class. They are found as advisors, scholars, priests, councilors - where there is power, and influence, so are they.\n\nDuty and competence are key virtues among Anzalkatsa, and the ordinary are expected to recognize their mediocrity and make way for rising stars. Those that cannot acknowledge their own limitations - or refuse to - are not long suffered by the nagas, who move to ensure they suffer a downfall of their own making. No right of birth grants immunity to this, and no king's throne can ever be truly stable against their machinations.}
{ReligiousDescription|religion=anzalkatsa|description=The Anzalkatsa faith is inseparable from the prophecy of the 333rd Empire. While there is much deliberation over the minutiae, all agree that it states all lizardfolk must eventually be united under the 333rd Empire - Khatalashya. The Final Empire shall rule over all lizardfolk, hold all the pillars and bring about eternal prosperity. It is the duty of every follower of Anzalkatsa to work to fulfill this prophecy and be ready to sacrifice everything they may have for this goal, and this expectation is laid equally  across society. The peasantry, the merchants, the nobles and even the king must prostrate themselves to this end - it is their sole purpose.\n\nThe caretakers of this future are the naga, a rare mutation of lizardfolk set out by their appearance and great magical potential who form their own social class. They are found as advisors, scholars, priests, councilors - where there is power, and influence, so are they.\n\nDuty and competence are key virtues among Anzalkatsa, and the ordinary are expected to recognize their mediocrity and make way for rising stars. Those that cannot acknowledge their own limitations - or refuse to - are not long suffered by the nagas, who move to ensure they suffer a downfall of their own making. No right of birth grants immunity to this, and no king's throne can ever be truly stable against their machinations.}<br>All Anzalkatsa countries receive:
All Anzalkatsa countries receive:
* {{Modifier |type=bonus|value=-10%|description=Core-Creation Cost }}
* <b style="color: {{#switch: bonus | bonus = green | malus = red | black }};">-10%</b> Core-Creation Cost
* {{Modifier |type=bonus|value=-2|description=National Unrest }}
* <b style="color: {{#switch: bonus | bonus = green | malus = red | black }};">-2</b> National Unrest

=== Zaradyrra ===
=== Zaradyrra ===
{subst: ReligiousDescription |religion=zaradyrra|description=The Zaradyrra faith originates from the first Ashhana lizardfolk relieved of the blood curse by music. Originally it was thought that only music could relieve the blood curse, but as Ashhana society began to develop it was discovered that many forms of art could weaken the hold of the blood curse, and that creating art was a far more powerful remedy than consuming it. The first Ashhana capable of curing their fellows became the bards, and some would go on to found the earliest Ashhana noble houses. As more and more wild Ashhana were brought into society, the Zaradyrra faith truly came to exist in its modern form as a collection of practices used to manage the blood curse on a day-to-day basis. The weakest means of combating the blood curse is to simply consume the art of others which is enough to maintain normal decorum and is the lot of many of the lower classes. The next most effective is to create derivative art, not truly original or groundbreaking but not just a copy either, and this is said to give the creator a truly clear mind which is more capable. These Echoes are the lot of the nobility and the occasional privileged lower-class craftsman. The most effective means is truly original artistic creation - the sole domain of bards.}
{ReligiousDescription|religion=zaradyrra|description=The Zaradyrra faith originates from the first Ashhana lizardfolk relieved of the blood curse by music. Originally it was thought that only music could relieve the blood curse, but as Ashhana society began to develop it was discovered that many forms of art could weaken the hold of the blood curse, and that creating art was a far more powerful remedy than consuming it. The first Ashhana capable of curing their fellows became the bards, and some would go on to found the earliest Ashhana noble houses. As more and more wild Ashhana were brought into society, the Zaradyrra faith truly came to exist in its modern form as a collection of practices used to manage the blood curse on a day-to-day basis. The weakest means of combating the blood curse is to simply consume the art of others which is enough to maintain normal decorum and is the lot of many of the lower classes. The next most effective is to create derivative art, not truly original or groundbreaking but not just a copy either, and this is said to give the creator a truly clear mind which is more capable. These Echoes are the lot of the nobility and the occasional privileged lower-class craftsman. The most effective means is truly original artistic creation - the sole domain of bards.}<br>All Zaradyrra countries receive:
All Zaradyrra countries receive:
* {{Modifier |type=bonus|value=+100%|description=Army Tradition From Battles }}
* <b style="color: {{#switch: bonus | bonus = green | malus = red | black }};">+100%</b> Army Tradition From Battles
* {{Modifier |type=bonus|value=+10%|description=Morale of Armies }}
* <b style="color: {{#switch: bonus | bonus = green | malus = red | black }};">+10%</b> Morale of Armies

Latest revision as of 23:10, 20 July 2024


{ReligiousDescription|religion=anzalkatsa|description=The Anzalkatsa faith is inseparable from the prophecy of the 333rd Empire. While there is much deliberation over the minutiae, all agree that it states all lizardfolk must eventually be united under the 333rd Empire - Khatalashya. The Final Empire shall rule over all lizardfolk, hold all the pillars and bring about eternal prosperity. It is the duty of every follower of Anzalkatsa to work to fulfill this prophecy and be ready to sacrifice everything they may have for this goal, and this expectation is laid equally across society. The peasantry, the merchants, the nobles and even the king must prostrate themselves to this end - it is their sole purpose.\n\nThe caretakers of this future are the naga, a rare mutation of lizardfolk set out by their appearance and great magical potential who form their own social class. They are found as advisors, scholars, priests, councilors - where there is power, and influence, so are they.\n\nDuty and competence are key virtues among Anzalkatsa, and the ordinary are expected to recognize their mediocrity and make way for rising stars. Those that cannot acknowledge their own limitations - or refuse to - are not long suffered by the nagas, who move to ensure they suffer a downfall of their own making. No right of birth grants immunity to this, and no king's throne can ever be truly stable against their machinations.}
All Anzalkatsa countries receive:


{ReligiousDescription|religion=zaradyrra|description=The Zaradyrra faith originates from the first Ashhana lizardfolk relieved of the blood curse by music. Originally it was thought that only music could relieve the blood curse, but as Ashhana society began to develop it was discovered that many forms of art could weaken the hold of the blood curse, and that creating art was a far more powerful remedy than consuming it. The first Ashhana capable of curing their fellows became the bards, and some would go on to found the earliest Ashhana noble houses. As more and more wild Ashhana were brought into society, the Zaradyrra faith truly came to exist in its modern form as a collection of practices used to manage the blood curse on a day-to-day basis. The weakest means of combating the blood curse is to simply consume the art of others which is enough to maintain normal decorum and is the lot of many of the lower classes. The next most effective is to create derivative art, not truly original or groundbreaking but not just a copy either, and this is said to give the creator a truly clear mind which is more capable. These Echoes are the lot of the nobility and the occasional privileged lower-class craftsman. The most effective means is truly original artistic creation - the sole domain of bards.}
All Zaradyrra countries receive: