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|name=Nunsan Banbe
|name=Nunsan Banbe
|primary_culture=Eagle Hobgoblin
|primary_culture=Eagle Hobgoblin
|religion=Eagle Worship
|religion=Banbe Anen
|idea_group=Nunsan Banbe Ideas

Latest revision as of 00:14, 15 June 2024

Nunsan Banbe

Primary Culture

+20% Institution Spread
+10% Morale of Armies

The Dragon and the EagleOur misery began when Nutean Kezen ascended to power in our woodland home. A clan driven purely by power, they cared little for the folk whom they ruled over. People went hungry, people were sick and dying, and people were dealt injustice by their masters at every step. \n\nIn the summer of 1432, Hikari Banbe, outraged over the murder of her family at the hands of Kezen’s brutal warlord, raised her banner in revolt claiming them to be an avatar of Chaos itself, an evil that must be deposed. In the months that followed many more clans would rise to support her in the struggle against this evil, but this would not be easy. A bloody war of attrition would rage for almost 10 years before peace was finally agreed, and our people granted the freedom they deserved. \n\nSadly, not all who had risen in defiance of tyranny would live to see the light on the other side, but their sacrifice was not in vain, and we have taken the first tentative steps towards a better world for our peoples.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Hikari Banbe, the Great EagleThe Banbe clan has long governed the southern woodlands of Nomsyulhan, from the groves of Kinun Gegayan to the mighty fortress of Bizoharite. It was here where the great eagle, Hikari Banbe, was born and raised. A competent administrator, a shrewd diplomat, and an exceptional mage in the offensive arts, she proved a capable heir for her father. When Nutean Kezen ascended to overlordship of the ancient forest, the Banbe clan did their best to look out for their people, while complying with the demands of Kezen. This appeared to work until the summer of 1432, when the Kezen clan decided they needed to exact vengeance for an argument with Hikari’s father a year earlier. \n\nThe Banbe family was visiting a settlement in Ninbian Gonbun when Kezen's men attacked. Almost the entire Banbe clan and their entourage were slaughtered down to the last woman and child, except for Hikari, who had stayed behind in Bizoharite. Horrified and outraged by Nutean Kezen’s barbarity, Hikari raised the eagle standard in revolt. The fight would be long and harsh, but in the end, Hikari would see her family avenged and our people liberated, and would go down as a hero among our people.
-2 National Unrest

Ancient LabsAncient forests from the time of the False Enlightened cover our land, their tangled roots and copses shielding our guerillas. They also hide countless ruined labs and other facilities that appear to have been created to study flora and fauna in Nomsyulhan. While some of these sites are in complete ruin, many more have been discovered in a salvageable state. Through studying these facilities, our mages can glean insights into not only the creatures and beings of this land, but also the technologies and magic utilised by the False Enlightened, using it to further our own endeavours.
-5% Technology Cost

Dragonnel WoodworkIn the ancient forests, wood is abundant, but not any ordinary wood. These trees, and their wood by extension, appear to have latent magics coursing through them. This has been noted in how the trees can regrow segments that are cut faster than would be otherwise natural. This magical potency also offers great potential for unique woodworked art. By first carving the wood and then using Dragonnels to lightly burn the surface of the wood, you can create glowing wooden artworks. The fire both prevents the wood from restoring itself as well as causing the grooves created by the carving to emit an iridescence depending on the finish applied, from purple-blueish on raw wood to a golden-reddish light on heavily oil-lacquered pieces. Our people have become proficient at creating such art pieces, and they are highly sought after in all courts of Nomsyulhan.
+1 Yearly Prestige

BizohariteDeep within the ancient forests of our home valley lies the previously forgotten fortress of Bizoharite. When our people first arrived in these deep, dark woods the fortress was an ominous sight, having looked as if it had barely aged at all. Over time our people would explore the fortress, routing out any dangers that lay within. In 782, then clan leader Kiza Bikenkonen formally moved her court to the fortress, deeming it safe and secured. Over the years we have studied the impressive fortifications of this imposing bastion left behind by the False Enlightened, and our engineers have replicated several features and magical wards across our own defensive structures ever since, greatly increasing their effectiveness.
+15% Fort Defence

Dragonnel SkirmishersWhile Dragonnels are prolific throughout the peaks of Nomsyulhan, there are few clans who use them as effectively as us. Fighting a numerically superior foe quickly taught our people that the key to victory was in guerilla warfare, not large battles.Through our inherent knowledge of the local forests, our riders have been able to map out the least dense pathways from one place to the next. This knowledge, combined with our natural talent for riding the dragonnels, enables our skirmishers to fly through the trees almost as fast as many can fly above it, allowing them to remain hidden and undetected on their attack runs until it is too late. By the time the enemy have mustered, we have already disappeared back into the trees, leaving only fire and corpses in our wake.
+10% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
+10% Cavalry Combat Ability

Unity and OrderWhile our nation’s birth was one of chaos and bloodshed against a tyrant ruler, our people have long believed that it is only through unity that balance between Chaos and Order can be restored. While differences can drive many of us apart, they also can show us different paths of thought, different perspectives on the world and the many intricacies in it. Only by working in harmony with one another and setting aside our differences and grievances can we ever hope to achieve unity, and it is only through unity that balance will ever be restored.
+1 Missionaries

+10% National Tax Modifier


