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Latest revision as of 00:04, 15 June 2024


Primary Culture

+0.2 Cavalry Shock
+25% Religious Unity

The Men of The PlainsWe are the men of the plains, the rebellious ones, the dissenters. Raiders, heretics, uncivilized. We have been called all of these and a thousand more by the men of the riverlands, whose anger burns at our continued independence from their weak realms.\n\nWhat we are, is the Kamtarhid, once the frontiersmen of the Rahenraj, but we are their servants no longer. The Kamtarhid are a free people, Ghatasak is our home, and never again shall we be a puppet for another state. Whenever the armies of the Western Kingdoms march upon us, we mount our horses once more and ride to meet them. Time and time again we have been laid low by their swords and spears, but time and time again we return.
+25% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
+25% Cavalry Flanking Ability

The Eastern GraspGhatasak has a long history with the followers of the Lefthand Path. While we rarely had full dynasties that followed its teachings like neighboring Sir, our proximity to the Demon Hills and the Oni led to many Kamtarhid chieftains beseeching the malevolent spirits of the hills shunned by High Philosophy for power and glory.\n\nThrough our connection to the Lefthand Path, our traditional spirits and the Devimarjan mystery cults were never truly forgotten, and our adherence to High Philosophy had never been concrete. Add onto this the Hobgoblin invasion, and the introduction of the Godlost philosophy to our lands, and a truly confusing mix of faiths has risen among the Kamtarhid tribes, leading to a culture of religious ambivalence.\n\nThe people of Ghatasak care little for the specifics of veneration, and more about what the divine powers can grant us in the end.
+10% Shock Damage
+1 Tolerance of Heathens

Legacy of the MasterThe Dark Master is a deeply stained figure in the history of the Kamtarhid. While none would speak publicly that his reign had been at all glorious or that he should be remembered fondly, there are those who speak of him with a certain reverence.\n\nHe was the greatest of the Kamtarhid conquerors, none struck fear into the hearts of the other Kingdoms of the North quite like him. With his dark magic and command of the dead he shook the very fabric of our world, and forced the other realms to view the tribes with shock and awe. His riders rode with fury and with fire, a force to conquer that had never been mustered before in our lands, and has not been mustered since. With sword and sorcery we burned those who scorned us, and in a hurricane of violence, we made all of them fear.\n\nIt is with this logic, that the tribes of Ghatasak have reached out to the mages of our land, not to recreate the vile concoctions of the Dark Master, but to uncover his lost artifacts, to search for the sources of his power, and delve deep into this period of our past. For if we can capture even a fraction of what spurred him on, we can create what his dark will dreamed of once again, that we shall shake the world under our hooves.
-3% All Power Costs

Heroes of The PlainsThe time of heroes was strange for Ghatasak, the Elven armies that subjugated the other Heroic Kingdoms cared little for our lands or our tribes. Scattered forts let them claim that they had shackled us, but life went on as normal in the east, with a few exceptions.\n\nWith central power reduced to almost nothing, many issues within Shamakhad were solved by local "heroes." Men and women who took up swords and spears, or even farming tools, to solve one anothers problems. Many Kamtarhid individuals rode out from our lands and became heroes, and when they returned, they often brought others with them. A life with the tribes meant a life free of rulership, and a life where one was free to build their own fate on horseback. The freedom of the eastern grasslands was well known, and allowed us to call upon many foreign heroes as well in our times of need.\n\nThis tradition continues today, where the religious permissiveness of Ghatasak means we have become a haven for those freeing the societal orders of our neighbors. Whether it be the caste system of High Philosophy, the stratocracy of the Command, or even the warrior orders of the Xiaken. Ghatasak is a home for all who wish to become a hero.
+10% Adventurers Loyalty Equilibrium
-10% Mercenary Maintenance

The Gelded AgeThe gelded age was one of the most miserable periods of our people's history, worse even than the reign of the dark master. Precipitated by King Isharn the Golden's attempts to "civilize" the Kamtarhid, the Gelded Age was a concerted effort to break the pastoral nomadic traditions of Ghatasak.\n\nFor the first half of the 1200s, the witch Priti of Gakhrana broke up tribes, culled the herds, and forcibly settled the plain of Ghatasak with riverlanders. For their part, the Kamtarhid resisted fervently, raiding supply depots and assassinating administrators appointed by the King and his Seeress. These plots repeatedly succeeded in frustrating Priti's rule and Isharn's control over the plains, and demonstrated forever after that the Kamtarhid are a free people who will ever resist any who attempt to take away their freedom.
+20% Manpower in Primary Culture provinces
+50% Prestige from Land battles

Rebuilding After DevastationGhatasak history has moved in cycle after cycle of devastation and ascension, alternating between power and pitiful obscurity. While this has regularly led to the deaths of many of our people, it has taught us a thing or two about rebuilding after devastation.\n\nGhatasak architecture is simple and practical, even being called "brutal" by many of our fancier western cousins. But to us, it is a symbol of continuation, of our determination to rebuild after being beaten down, to remount and ride once again into the sunset no matter what the obstacle at hand may be. Our people respect perseverance, determination, and grit in a ruler. The drive to keep building back what was lost will never be shaken from our people, and any good Kamtarhid ruler should be the same way.
-10% Construction Cost
+0.5 Yearly Devotion
+0.5 Yearly Horde Unity
+0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.15 Yearly Republican Tradition

The Final Ride of VengeanceTime and time again we fight, there is no survival without battling onwards to ensure our continued existence. Every child of the Kamtarhid knows this well. Time and time again we have ensured we will live another day as a free people, Kings, sorcerers, Oni, and the very forces of undeath have affected our people, but somehow, none of those were our greatest challenge.\n\nWhen Moguwon Wolfborn rode down from the mountains at the head of the unified hosts of The Command, we were caught completely off guard, their warg riders matched our cavalry blow for blow, and the discipline of their legions routed our forces in every battle. But as always, we were not broken. We bode our time, until whispers of dissent came from Sir. They may have been some of our most hated rivals, but the tribes understood that all needed to unite against the hated Hobgoblin invaders.\n\nAnd so for the greatest charge in our history, we mounted up. We strode to the fields of the Sir revolt with glory and freedom in our hearts, ready to break the might of The Command once and for all.
-25% Autonomy Change Cooldown
-5 Years of Separatism

-0.3 Monthly War Exhaustion


