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|primary_culture=Ashhama Lizardfolk
|primary_culture=Ashhana Lizardfolk
|idea_group=Karach Ideas
|idea_group=Karach Ideas

Latest revision as of 00:03, 15 June 2024


Primary Culture

+10% Production Efficiency
+10% Shock Damage

Everflowing BountyStrike once, and the sun breaks through into great chambers of iron. Strike twice, and the golden luster flows from the grand mountains. The wealth of the Ertikan Starap mountain range is concentrated in Karach, providing the nation with an abundance of rare and exotic metals. Karach society is formed around material abundance; the mountains provide, and many smiths and artisans answer its call.
+5% Goods Produced Modifier
+0.05 Yearly Inflation Reduction

Blood-Bound WarriorsEver since the end of the Shadowfang Invasion, Karach has remained in the relative isolation of the mountains and found itself entrenched with bloodcurse, despite recent development. While the symptoms are slowly being remedied over time with the progression of time and the help of bardic magic, wildly-varying physical mutations have persisted in Karachan Lizardfolk. While these changes are not always strictly positive, they have found themselves to be stronger and more resilient even compared to other Ashhana Lizardfolk. Aided further by the quality of arms Karachan smiths provide, their warriors are all unique and specialized.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Trial of ArtisansIn 1292, During the inauguration of Shariz Deepgold, the naga priesthood, in an attempt to return to Karachan roots, issued our chieftain with a challenge - a trial of crafts. Tasked with creating an item befitting a ruler, the chief spent countless nights in his workshop for his trial. Upon his return, he presented to them his masterpiece, a crystalline ceremonial dagger with an unnatural gleam. He succeeded in his trial and earnt the respect of the priesthood and the people. Nowadays this practice has been ingrained in our culture, not only for our leaders but even for aspiring artisans in our country to prove their worth.
+5% Clergy Loyalty Equilibrium
+15% Institution Spread

Mark of AyrarsaEach individual in Karach is far more unique compared to other Ashhana lizardfolk due to mutation borne of prolonged generational exposure to bloodcurse. As such, searching through the Karach population one could occasionally find extraordinary individuals with exceptional physical qualities. The great general Ayrarsa was an outlier even amongst the Karachan population; the records say that she was a titanic being boasting a height of over 3 meters, who could throw a spear over a long range with pinpoint accuracy. Her enchanted spear remains to this day at the base of our mountains, thrown from ramparts above, still impaling her last enemy; serving as a warning to those who threaten the Karachan mountains. It serves as one of many examples of exceptional qualities among Karach leadership, a point of pride for all.
+1 Land Leader Shock
yes May Recruit Female Generals

Burden of WealthCenturies of isolation for Karach didn’t mean there were no interactions with nearby tribes; in fact, there were various problems associated with outsiders that were particularly problematic. Despite their isolation, the allure of Karachan bounty proved too much for others, blinded by our glorious mountains, and never a year passed without thieves caught trying to outsource our wealth. If not our wealth then our techniques, the years of knowledge our smiths and artisans have generated, are surely unimaginable to these resourceless people. Naturally any chance of these thieves achieving anything was close to impossible, as access to the mountains was restricted and isolated, and with a healthy amount of paranoia Karach stands ever-vigilant against outsiders.
+25% Foreign Spy Detection

Choir of TerrorThe recent surge of interest in bardic culture has transfixed itself in Karach as choral music. Unfortunately, prolonged mutation caused the natural voice range of the Karachan population to be closer to a lower guttural sound, and as such their music sounds closer to a monstrous hum. While the Karachan people certainly don’t mind this fact, others seem to have drastic reactions to their ‘song’. Particularly when used as war chants, these seem to strike fear into their enemies.
+10% Morale Damage

Spire of IndustryPillars of stars, relics of ancient civilization, are an important symbol to all of lizardfolk. While not discounting the monumental value of such, some of the more ambitious individuals in Karach certainly thought they could rival these magnificent structures. In 1677 a spire was built atop the highest peak of Ertikan Starap, as a Karachan symbol of technological pride and arrogance. Built to be as high and extravagant as possible, the spire is used nowadays to conduct specialized, isolated metallurgy research.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier


