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|idea7desc=The encamped fighters looked over to the hostile fortress, where not only Dolindhans, but also several Istranari had been captured by the Dragon Dominion and were likely being tortured. By the campfire, a human woman in leather armour spoke to the leader of the Dolindhans:\n\n"If this rescue operation succeeds, Lord Arminjad, we will not only regain our numbers: we will send everyone a clear message that you are a friend to Cannorians. But if you were to call this off, it would jeopardize the already tested trust between our peoples."\n\nLord Arminjad turned, his eyes being hidden by the darkness cast by the campfire. "Madam Merrin… Know that I have every respect for your people's tenacity, and I will do everything in my power to ensure our combined victory tonight. But remember that while your subordinates are fighting to conquer a new homeland, mine will be bleeding in numbers to defend theirs. I have no illusion; Dolindha is dying, and I have to watch as dragons and crusaders fight for its soul. Maybe I'll even get couped by your very brethren we rescue tonight!"\n\nArminjad raised his sword, calling his soldiers. "Children of Dolindha, tonight we hold our heads high, like every night before and every night to come! Crimson clouds gather, and our very people are surrounded by fires; should our might not be enough, let our righteous fury power us through to our last moments as we cut down as many enemies as we can!" As he said that, a blinding light went off then alarms sounded as the fortress began to be stormed in a chorus of battle cries.
|idea7desc=The encamped fighters looked over to the hostile fortress, where not only Dolindhans, but also several Istranari had been captured by the Dragon Dominion and were likely being tortured. By the campfire, a human woman in leather armour spoke to the leader of the Dolindhans:\n\n"If this rescue operation succeeds, Lord Arminjad, we will not only regain our numbers: we will send everyone a clear message that you are a friend to Cannorians. But if you were to call this off, it would jeopardize the already tested trust between our peoples."\n\nLord Arminjad turned, his eyes being hidden by the darkness cast by the campfire. "Madam Merrin… Know that I have every respect for your people's tenacity, and I will do everything in my power to ensure our combined victory tonight. But remember that while your subordinates are fighting to conquer a new homeland, mine will be bleeding in numbers to defend theirs. I have no illusion; Dolindha is dying, and I have to watch as dragons and crusaders fight for its soul. Maybe I'll even get couped by your very brethren we rescue tonight!"\n\nArminjad raised his sword, calling his soldiers. "Children of Dolindha, tonight we hold our heads high, like every night before and every night to come! Crimson clouds gather, and our very people are surrounded by fires; should our might not be enough, let our righteous fury power us through to our last moments as we cut down as many enemies as we can!" As he said that, a blinding light went off then alarms sounded as the fortress began to be stormed in a chorus of battle cries.
|idea7effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+10%|description=Morale of Armies }}<br />{{Modifier|type=bonus|value=yes|description=May Recruit Female Generals }}
|idea7effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+10%|description=Morale of Armies }}<br />{{Modifier|type=bonus|value=yes|description=May Recruit Female Generals }}
|ambitioneffect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=-10%|description=Liberty Desire in Subjects }}}}
|ambitioneffect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+10%|description=Liberty Desire in Subjects }}}}

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<noinclude>[[Category:Country Ideas]]</noinclude>

Revision as of 04:14, 27 April 2024

+20% Cavalry Combat Ability
+15% National Tax Modifier

True Rulers of the YnnDolindha is the oldest region of the Ynn to be inhabited, beginning in the first century after Flood with the communities of Brefinim and Malacnar. Dolindhan riders then unified the Ynn and forged the Ynnic Empire, and they spread their population westward and southwards, and their blood and lineages persist there today.\n\nThe Sarda are latecomers to the Ynn who waited two centuries to make themselves known, and the first Rzentur only entered what was known as Upper Dolindha during the sixth century! While the Sarda pride themselves over inheriting the Ynnic Empire, they still lived under Dolindhan-descended Emperors who simply enjoyed the southern climate.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Kaerhdhan MoundsOur land is dotted with the burial mounds of the Antler Lords, heritage from the first chapter of Dolindhan history: Lukaus became the first Antler Lord by striking a pact with the antler horses of the forests and he rode them to victory across the lands of the upper Ynn, which he dubbed Dolindha. Lukaus's most valiant companions inherited the title of Antler Lords, and ruled Dolindha after his death.\n\nThe Antler Lords performed many heroic deeds during their time, slaying monsters and villains, unearthing relics and protecting the realm. While the Antler Lords Era would ultimately be brought to an end by the rise of Vareynn, their legacy of heroism lives on in the Dolindhan knights of today. Woe befall those who even think of defiling the Kaerhdhan mounds, for the worst curses and spells await inside!
-1% Prestige Decay

Wendigo HuntsA Cannorian’s ideal of a King’s hunt is a long parade of tents and attendants, pavilions and banquets, bannermen and performers surrounded by warmth and merriment. Nothing could be less true about the Dolindhan approach to hunting. Walking through the woods with three of his friends wielding blades, a Dolindhan King and a Dolindhan Knight alike will seek a trial to test their mettle and their war-spirit.\n\nAnd no trial is as respected as that of Wendigo Hunting, by which the most skilled knights track down a wendigo, preparing for its charge and deflecting its claws’ brutal slashes, swinging and hacking at the creature until it exhausts the last of its unholy life. An antlered helm is then fashioned out of the wendigo’s antlers, and if its bearer is bested in a tournament he’ll have to shave their helmet’s antlers so they are of a lesser size than those of the winner.
+1 Land Leader Shock

Ear TaxAn old Ynnic tradition passed on through generations of barbers, is the trimming of our elven knights' pointy ears down to an inch-perfect measure to best fit our helmets.\n\nThere are many legends as to why this began: some say that a knight first cut his ears as a sign of respect towards the antlers of his horse, some say it was a punishment imposed by Empress Zeldja on the riders of the Rider Assembly who betrayed her, some theorize it must've been a whim of a past emperor or Lukaus himself, perhaps feeling self-conscious about his own ears' length or wanting to bring a sense of uniformity among his riders.\n\nEven today, Dolindhan upper classes are expected to get their ears trimmed as a rite of passage, but since many have grown squeamish like the Sarda or irreverent like the Rzentur, we will accommodate a compromise: pay a sharp tax if you care to keep your ears long and sharp.
+25% Income from Vassals

The Charge-JumpYnnic antler horses are more than just a big horse with antlers. While their smaller domesticated breeds are docile and unassuming, like deers, the great horses ridden by seasoned knights have something special in their eyes. A green glow, the hint of magic, sentience, or a greater force. Legends speak of ancient antler horses being able to talk, being able to select people for their nobleness and virtue, just like people selected horses for their strength and speed.\n\nThis "force" allowed Ynnic knights to practice for the longest time a hybrid cavalry-foot technique, known as Leomarc, the "Charge-Jump": charging into battle without stirrups nor lances, Ynnic knights hurled themselves into the air and into the fray before their steed collided into the enemy lines, and as the knight began cutting down his many enemies his antler horse would gore and trample to death just as many.
+25% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
+0.25 Cavalry Shock

Rogzanati WandsRogzanati or Antlerware refers to all crafts made out of the sheddings of Ynnic antler horses. From decorations to spear shafts to our iconic knights' helmets, antler-working is a honoured craft practiced by a few select dynasties of artisans, gracing us with products that are known for their magical properties. There is however a strict and obscure process involved: differently-raised antler horses can yield antlers that are hardly more magical than wood, while others can easily channel enough magic to lift a grown adult, and only lords and knights seem to have any understanding as to why.\n\nWith an assured control over the distribution of their horses’ magical antlers, Dolindhan nobles used it as an expedient to organize the practitioners of the magical arts, even founding schools or academies for mages managed by trusted people. At graduation ceremonies, the local lord would be present to award the most promising (and certifiably loyal) students with the finest antler wands.
+10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium

Between Two FiresThe encamped fighters looked over to the hostile fortress, where not only Dolindhans, but also several Istranari had been captured by the Dragon Dominion and were likely being tortured. By the campfire, a human woman in leather armour spoke to the leader of the Dolindhans:\n\n"If this rescue operation succeeds, Lord Arminjad, we will not only regain our numbers: we will send everyone a clear message that you are a friend to Cannorians. But if you were to call this off, it would jeopardize the already tested trust between our peoples."\n\nLord Arminjad turned, his eyes being hidden by the darkness cast by the campfire. "Madam Merrin… Know that I have every respect for your people's tenacity, and I will do everything in my power to ensure our combined victory tonight. But remember that while your subordinates are fighting to conquer a new homeland, mine will be bleeding in numbers to defend theirs. I have no illusion; Dolindha is dying, and I have to watch as dragons and crusaders fight for its soul. Maybe I'll even get couped by your very brethren we rescue tonight!"\n\nArminjad raised his sword, calling his soldiers. "Children of Dolindha, tonight we hold our heads high, like every night before and every night to come! Crimson clouds gather, and our very people are surrounded by fires; should our might not be enough, let our righteous fury power us through to our last moments as we cut down as many enemies as we can!" As he said that, a blinding light went off then alarms sounded as the fortress began to be stormed in a chorus of battle cries.
+10% Morale of Armies
yes May Recruit Female Generals

+10% Liberty Desire in Subjects